info Overview
Name - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s full name?

Alex Samuel Sanders

Gender - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s gender?

Non-Binary (Intersex)

Other names - What other aliases does Alex Samuel Sanders go by?


Role - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Alex Samuel Sanders?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

None. She waxes her whole body.

Hair Style - How does Alex Samuel Sanders style their hair?

She's growing it out and she wears it down

Hair Color - What color is Alex Samuel Sanders’s hair?


Height - How tall is Alex Samuel Sanders?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She's missing her left hand and her left eye is glass (though it matches her other eye, she sometimes switches it out for a green one)

Weight - How much does Alex Samuel Sanders weigh?


Body Type

She's got a slight curve to her body, and she's thin. A bit lanky.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She is pretty unprejudiced, but she holds an ingrained belief (that she dislikes about herself) that men typically are flaky. She distrusts them.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She's polite and a bit withdrawn

Motivations - What motivates Alex Samuel Sanders most?

She is motivated by her family.

Flaws - What flaws does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She is a big pushover and puts others before herself a lot.

Talents - What talents does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She is incredibly smart, having a nearly bottomless amount of knowledge on many topics. She is able to speak many languages as well. She's also good at make-up.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She likes to sew, knit, and crochet. She also likes to read. Her favorite genre is mystery.

Personality type - What personality type is Alex Samuel Sanders?


groups Social
Favorite food - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s favorite food?

Italian food, particularly spaghetti.

Favorite animal - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s favorite animal?

Lion. "They're brave."

Favorite weapon - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s favorite weapon?

She dislikes violence, but she uses her fists.

Favorite possession - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s favorite possession?

Her favorite possession is her Christian Dior 999 lipstick. An iconic shade.

Favorite color - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s occupation?

She works as a nurse. She's a RN.

Politics - What politics does Alex Samuel Sanders have?

She is democratic.

Religion - What religion does Alex Samuel Sanders practice?

She is a new Christian. The idea of God gives her hope that all the bad things in her life happened for a reason.

info History
Birthday - When is Alex Samuel Sanders’s birthday?


Background - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s background?

Alexandra Sanders (formally Alexander) was born. She was born intersex, but the male gender was chosen for her. When she was just a baby, she and her sister were taken by James Rugsworth and sent to the Genetic Hybrid Association (GHA) to be experimented on. There, she met her future spouses. When she and Swift were sixteen, she accidentally got Swift pregnant. They welcomed a baby girl into the world, and named her Faith.
Soon after Faith was born, the experiments escaped the lab. The experiments moved into a large cabin together. Alex began questioning her gender around this time. She also started her bachelor's.
The experiments were recaptured twice, being through 3 labs total. Swift had another child, this time with Dakota, and they welcomed their second daughter into the world.
Recently, Swift and Alex got divorced. They simply fell out of love with each other. Swift moved in nearby with two roommates, and Alex legally married Cody.

Education - What is Alex Samuel Sanders’s level of education?

She has a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing (BSN).

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Laurence Carpenter on

See more from Laurence Carpenter
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