info Overview
Name - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s full name?

Swift Lee Wilder

Gender - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Swift Lee Wilder go by?

Monica (Birth name), Mon-Bon (Jason)

Role - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s role in your story?

(MC) Experiment

Age - How old is Swift Lee Wilder?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Swift Lee Wilder have?


Hair Style - How does Swift Lee Wilder style their hair?


Hair Color - What color is Swift Lee Wilder’s hair?


Height - How tall is Swift Lee Wilder?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Swift Lee Wilder have?

Swift is missing right hand (her right, my left)

Weight - How much does Swift Lee Wilder weigh?

113 lbs

Body Type

Petite and small

Skin Tone


Race - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Swift Lee Wilder have?

Swift doesn't respect men as much as she respects women

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Swift Lee Wilder have?

She's very relaxed

Motivations - What motivates Swift Lee Wilder most?

Swift's main motivations are her family

Flaws - What flaws does Swift Lee Wilder have?

She's quite stubborn and tries to be independent despite needing assistance for her medical stuff

Talents - What talents does Swift Lee Wilder have?

She has a superpower being from the lab, speed. She can run up to 30 mph.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Swift Lee Wilder have?

Swift likes boxing and camping; she's very outdoorsy.

Personality type - What personality type is Swift Lee Wilder?


groups Social
Favorite food - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s favorite food?

Her favorite food is candy; she's a fucking infant. She loves airheads. Real food, probably chicken noodle.

Favorite animal - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s favorite animal?

She likes tigers, she thinks they're cute.

Favorite weapon - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s favorite weapon?

Her fists

Favorite possession - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s favorite possession?

Her favorite possession is her first house. It reminds her that there was a happy ending after all for her. In the lab, she had no personal possessions.

Favorite color - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s favorite color?

Green (like a good Kelly green)

Occupation - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s occupation?

In between jobs due to her health. On disability

Politics - What politics does Swift Lee Wilder have?

She doesn't know what politics are

info History
Birthday - When is Swift Lee Wilder’s birthday?


Background - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s background?

Swift was born in a laboratory in the bustling city of Brookshore, VA. She escaped as a teen, and while she lives with many physical and mental disorders from her time there, she still lives with her two husbands and her kids in relative peace now.

Education - What is Swift Lee Wilder’s level of education?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Swift Lee Wilder

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Swift Lee Wilder

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Swift Lee Wilder

Character chevron_right Children link linked Swift Lee Wilder

This character was created by Laurence Carpenter on

See more from Laurence Carpenter
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