info Overview
Name - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s full name?

Ki'Asvey Oravel

Gender - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ki'Asvey Oravel go by?

Hope, Pride, Ki

Role - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s role in your story?

Supporting Protagonist

Age - How old is Ki'Asvey Oravel?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ki'Asvey Oravel have?

a faint whiteness down his arms, faint mountain heritage.

Body Type

Very well built. Broad Shoulders

Race - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s hair?


Height - How tall is Ki'Asvey Oravel?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Ki'Asvey Oravel have?

He's a brilliant leader.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ki'Asvey Oravel have?

Think Mufasa. Bold, authoritive, calm.

Motivations - What motivates Ki'Asvey Oravel most?

Keeping his sister safe. Defending Serathelle

Flaws - What flaws does Ki'Asvey Oravel have?

He's a bit headstrong, and very closely tied to his allies thus he will do dumb shit for them.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ki'Asvey Oravel have?

Despite his best commander's heritage, he still doesn't like Abyssal Territory Serathem.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ki'Asvey Oravel have?

Visiting schools and talking to kits.

Personality type - What personality type is Ki'Asvey Oravel?

He is a creature of combat. He believes in it, and has faith that any good thing is worth fighting for. He likes being blunt, and isn't a roundabout kind of person when it comes to conversation or combat.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s favorite animal?

If he knew they existed, he would like Lions. The pride idea would interest him.

Favorite weapon - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s favorite weapon?

His energy tonfas

Favorite possession - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s favorite possession?

A holo pic of his sister.

Occupation - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s occupation?

High Commander on the Ground

info History
Background - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s background?

A capital lands serath, fought against the Abyssal revolt, never known a life without a weapon nearby. He helped train the Serathem ship-raiders as they sped into the stars. He was orphaned along with his sister, in some distant war, and was raised by the Trisheda household. When Verzi was born, he took it upon himself to teach her pride and strength.

Education - What is Ki'Asvey Oravel’s level of education?

Battle School Honor Grad,
Command School General Grad

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Mr. Shadow Unity Misfit on

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