info Overview
Name - What is Alaria Echo’s full name?

Alaria Echo

Gender - What is Alaria Echo’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Alaria Echo go by?


Role - What is Alaria Echo’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Alaria Echo?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Alaria Echo style their hair?

Loose, Wavy brown hair

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alaria Echo have?

Serathan brand on her right arm

Body Type

Lithe, Long legged

Skin Tone

Sun kissed tan.

Race - What is Alaria Echo’s race?

Lovuthan/Human hybrid

Eye Color - What is Alaria Echo’s eye color?

Violet(Glowing Purple w/ energy wings)

Hair Color - What color is Alaria Echo’s hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alaria Echo have?

She has none

Height - How tall is Alaria Echo?

5ft 11in

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Alaria Echo have?

Quick on her feet, Great at improvising. She's also very good at making people laugh, however it can be done.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alaria Echo have?

She always says "Heya,"
She interrupts people a lot.

Motivations - What motivates Alaria Echo most?

As a thief, her only motivation was keeping her crew alive, and the money flowing. After she meets the Serathem, her priorities change, and she wants to make up for her history of thievery.

Flaws - What flaws does Alaria Echo have?

A bit reckless
An "opportunist"
Often gets ahead of herself

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alaria Echo have?

She doesn't like rich people.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alaria Echo have?

Alaria loves talking to herself, and she loves playing soccer when she can. She even keeps a soccerball on her ship, the OverWing.

Personality type - What personality type is Alaria Echo?

She has a sarcastic tendency, but a friendly disposition. She enjoys a bit of competition, even in the field, but she values her teammates above all else. She's patient as well, but only when she has to be, such as with teaching others.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Alaria Echo’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Alaria Echo’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Alaria Echo’s favorite weapon?

Her twin Judger auto pistols, Lost and Found

Favorite possession - What is Alaria Echo’s favorite possession?

An onyx-black stone she bought from a trader using money she "borrowed" from Lucy.

Favorite food - What is Alaria Echo’s favorite food?

Food is her favorite food. She doesn't have the luxury to care.

Occupation - What is Alaria Echo’s occupation?

Before she got involved with the Serathem, she was a professional thief. As in, she led a gang who stole for themselves (and any little children who were nearby).
After she was introduced to the Serathem, she fights on the ground for their military, eventually reaching the rank of General Commander.

info History
Background - What is Alaria Echo’s background?

A thief on Mal Vera, chased off-world by her own friend and turned into a Serathan General Commander, after a bit of work. She was left on Mal Vera as an orphan, by nonother than her own alien mother, Brella. Her father, a human, remains unknown. She was betrayed by her best friend Lucy, and forced off-world by the Security Contractors Lucy worked for. Despite this, she harbors no resentment for Lucy, and still hopes they meet again.

Education - What is Alaria Echo’s level of education?

She never attended any official school, being an orphan and all. She learned most of what she knows from the staff at the orphanage, and the rest she learned from experiences, or from Lucy

device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Mr. Shadow Unity Misfit on

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