info Overview
Name - What is Aeron’s full name?


Age - How old is Aeron?

Younger adult, 20s to 30s

Gender - What is Aeron’s gender?


Role - What is Aeron’s role in your story?

Main villain

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Aeron’s eye color?

Pale, icy blue.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aeron have?


Hair Style - How does Aeron style their hair?

He doesn’t

Hair Color - What color is Aeron’s hair?

Platinum blond, almost white

Height - How tall is Aeron?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aeron have?

None. He’s recognizable enough as it is.

Weight - How much does Aeron weigh?

Skinny average

Body Type


Skin Tone

Very pale

Race - What is Aeron’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Aeron have?

Air magic

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aeron have?

Very charming, yet acts slightly strange, in a way you can’t quite place your finger on. Prone to sniffing.

Motivations - What motivates Aeron most?

He wants to have fun. He enjoys killing.

Flaws - What flaws does Aeron have?

Literally psychopathic
Incapable of feeling love or guilt

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aeron have?

Cannot feel emotion

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aeron have?

‘Playing’ with his little bird Blanca, who he’s had since he was a child

Personality type - What personality type is Aeron?

Ravenclaw primary and secondary

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Aeron’s favorite food?

Alba sanctum venison

Favorite animal - What is Aeron’s favorite animal?

Not yet established.

Favorite weapon - What is Aeron’s favorite weapon?

Resurrected Grant.

Favorite possession - What is Aeron’s favorite possession?

Resurrected Grant.

Occupation - What is Aeron’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Aeron have?

None. He a bit of an anarchist, but that’s the closest he’ll get to a political opinion.

Religion - What religion does Aeron practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Aeron’s birthday?

Not yet established

Background - What is Aeron’s background?

Born from 2 mages in Eengloh, as a psychopath (If a 21st century doctor from our world got him in their office, he would be diagnosed as such). Lived in Eengloh, studying magic and honing his powers. As a child, he discovered an injured bird and decided he would take it in and practice spells on it. Grew very powerful and respected in the mage community, even as he turned to illegal magic in secret. Became the ruling member of the mage council and stayed as such until he was discovered trying to resurrect some of the Alba Sanctum (the special race of magical, albino, way too friendly animals that have evolved to live in Eengloh’s low light), and cast out of Eengloh. Since then, he has been practicing his necromancy on humans with mixed results, and killing/torturing people for fun, slowly escalating his massacres into full blown war with most of the kingdoms.

Education - What is Aeron’s level of education?

Highly educated on magic.

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