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-Gets absolutely pissed when his little brother plays games instead of doing his school work
-Hates it when people crack their knuckles; he can't stand the sound of it.
-Says sorry to just about everything
-Keeps long fingernails so he can dig them in his skin when he is going through immense pain
-It's hard for him to force a smile because it looks fake. The only smiles that look real are genuine smiles.
-Left handed
-He never feels guilt except for his brother, which makes him a great liar and thief. (Although, psh, why would he steal?)<<< note the sarcasm
-Barely sleeps because he is busy taking care of Jais but when he sleeps he is out like a Medusa victim

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked London Rune Leylind

Character chevron_right Children link linked London Rune Leylind

This character was created by @NothingHappened871 on

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