info Overview
Name - What is Ken'o’s full name?


Description - Describe Ken'o.

It is the worst planet there is, with a grand total with over five hundred murders a year. It is practically like the Purge there. Nobody cares if you're killed. It has almost no technology but it does have magic in the upper forest regions but none of the city folk know that.

Type - What type of location is Ken'o?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Ken'o?

Most people speak Oeynash, but a few speak English. The tribes in the north that live in the forests and mountains speak Draqxian.

Sports - What sports are played in Ken'o?


Laws - What are the laws in Ken'o?

There are none, they have no government so no one can force them to follow the laws.

Population - What is Ken'o’s population?

Ranges from 4 billion to 1 billion, depending how many people get blow up in a nuclear explosion that year.

Motto - What is Ken'o’s motto?

"Every man for himself."

Currency - What currencies are used in Ken'o?


business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Ken'o?

It is mainly rainy and cold, since the sun is much further away than the other planets. It is dark for about 18 hours of the day.

Located at - Where is Ken'o located?

The far edge of Alcyone. Some believe it is not a real planet, but it actually is.

Crops - What crops does Ken'o produce?

Rice. The wet rainy climate makes it perfect for growing it.

book History
Established Year - When was Ken'o established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Ken'o been involved in?

The Civil War II, The Three Hundred Days War, The Extermination War.

Founding Story - How was Ken'o founded?

At first, nobody knew it existed until a dump craft got knocked off course and dumped its trash there. Then Ken'o became the dump planet. That was fine until the other planets didn't have enough space in their prisons. So they took all the prisoners and transported them there. There was no and still is no government on the planet to this day. People multiply rapidly and get killed just as quickly.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Ken'o

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