info Overview
Name - What is Rowan Leylind’s full name?

Rowan Leylind

Role - What is Rowan Leylind’s role in your story?

Dead Sister

Age - How old is Rowan Leylind?

She was 16 when she "died" but is currently 21

Gender - What is Rowan Leylind’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Rowan Leylind style their hair?

Poofy and curly, in tight ringlets.

Hair Color - What color is Rowan Leylind’s hair?

Cinnamon brown. Dark, almost black at the roots and a lighter almost caramel color at the ends

Height - How tall is Rowan Leylind?

5 feet eight inches

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Rowan Leylind have?


Weight - How much does Rowan Leylind weigh?

131.4 pounds

Eye Color - What is Rowan Leylind’s eye color?

Dark coffee brown, deep and beautiful.

Race - What is Rowan Leylind’s race?

Biracial. Half Kliln half Siren. Siren blood is stronger, so she is more like 98% Siren.

Skin Tone

She was born with naturally darker skin.

Body Type

Slim, but she has a surprisingly large amount of strength from climbing trees and running through the forest.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rowan Leylind have?

-Two little brown spots on her neck
-The hint of a dimple on her right cheek
-Naturally pink lips
-Her fourth finger on her left hand is crooked from breaking it while she was trying to grab onto something as she fell out of a tree

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Rowan Leylind?

She has a floaty type of personality. Always ready to change her plans to help her brothers. She will take jabs at her too seriously. If you say her hair looks ugly, she will seriously contemplate cutting it. Other than that, she stays on the happy side of the spectrum, and on London's birthday she brings maple syrup from the forest and freezes it so it will be like maple candy. Jais wasn't old enough to have any so he never got them. Rowan is generally and very free spirit.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rowan Leylind have?

-Bites her lower lip when she is nervous
-Tugs on a curl in her hair when frustrated
-Always ties her hair back before making origami creatures

Motivations - What motivates Rowan Leylind most?

-Keeping her younger siblings safe

Flaws - What flaws does Rowan Leylind have?

-Overemotional; she takes things that people say about her too seriously

Prejudices - What prejudices does Rowan Leylind have?

None known

Talents - What talents does Rowan Leylind have?

-Climbing trees
-Speaking different languages

Hobbies - What hobbies does Rowan Leylind have?

-Making origami creatures with her little brothers

groups Social
Occupation - What is Rowan Leylind’s occupation?

She was a priestess to the Sirens and she should have been a trash sorter but went to the forest every day instead.

Favorite color - What is Rowan Leylind’s favorite color?

The red color in the forest when the trees start to lose their leaves. She absolutely loves this color, and has a jar of perfectly preserved leaves of this color at home.

Favorite food - What is Rowan Leylind’s favorite food?

When she went to a feast for Aycetism in the forest, they had frost blackberries and raspberries. These are berries dipped in water and then frozen so they are a crisp treat. Rowan had never had berries before that, so the first time she had then she thought that they were the most amazing things she'd tasted.

Favorite possession - What is Rowan Leylind’s favorite possession?

Her books. She scavenged a whole bookshelf of them that someone had thrown out. It took her three trips to get them to her home, but ever since she has read them nonstop. She has read all the books over 5 times and some of the books she almost knows by heart. She will quote from them a lot whenever she is talking.

Favorite weapon - What is Rowan Leylind’s favorite weapon?

Twin blades that she received when she became a priestess of the forest. She wears them on her back in sheaths. They are carved with Siren and nature symbols and she can draw on their power if she needs to while killing a creature.

Favorite animal - What is Rowan Leylind’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Rowan Leylind practice?

She doesn't practice any religions from the city, but she practices Aycetism in the forest with the other Sirens.

Politics - What politics does Rowan Leylind have?


info History
Background - What is Rowan Leylind’s background?

Rowan's mother was a siren named Kimber Brooks, but her father did not know this when they had a child. Kimber ran off to the forest and Rowan was left with her father. She had an okay childhood, nothing too big or small happened. When her brother came to live with her, she was 6 at the time, and he was only 1. She loved him immediately and stayed with him while their father was off gallivanting with The Black Crosses. When she turned nine, she was supposed to start working as a trash sorter but she went to the forest instead. For the first couple of months, she spent her time reading, exploring, and climbing trees. Then one day she found the Sirens. The Sirens took her in and she lived with them for a couple of weeks so they could perform the rituals of making her a full Siren before going back home. She joined their group during the day only came back during the night hours. She feasted, practiced religion, and fought with them. Then her second brother came along and and Adrienne, the mother, lived with them for a year. Rowan always liked Adrienne because Adrienne had the same personality that Rowan did. Then she got murdered by The Black Crosses a year after Jais was born and Rowan went back to the woods for a short amount of time to mourn. She came back two months later int he dead of the night to see her father running down the streets with a black cloak pulled over his head. Se did not try to stop him but went back to the house instead. Jais was 1 and a sixth and London was 10 at the time. Rowan took care of her brothers for another year adn a half before the Black Crosses came back and attacked them. She was able to keep the brothers safe when they attacked but they stabbed her in the stomach. She crumpled on the floor, dead to her brothers and the Black Crosses so they left the house. Later, a siren from the woods found her and dragged her to the Siren camp and healed her. She is still living as a full fledged siren but only the Sirens know about this. Both her brothers think she is dead and she is still trying to figure out a way to tell them that she is alive.

Birthday - When is Rowan Leylind’s birthday?

The 29th of Osh

Education - What is Rowan Leylind’s level of education?

She could read and write perfectly. She knew how to speak Lixian, as well as Jiamese, Oedesh, Alosian, and Euxian. She never went to "school."

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Rowan Leylind have?

Nobody knows about it, but she has a companion fox that stays with her and goes wherever she goes every day. She nicknamed him Onyx because he has a black patch on his front left foot.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

While living among the sirens, she met Cassia and they quickly fell in love. Sirens do not get married, but instead bond their life forces together. Rowan and Cassia have already performed the ritual, and haven't been separated since the day Rowan supposedly died.

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