info Overview
Name - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s full name?

Thomas Levi Markell

Gender - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Thomas Levi Markell go by?

Levi, Lonan (Undercover), Marrok, Darkstar (Undercover) Endling

Role - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s role in your story?

Main Protagonist/Anti-hero

Age - How old is Thomas Levi Markell ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Thomas Levi Markell weigh?


Height - How tall is Thomas Levi Markell ?

5'11" (6’3” adult)

Hair Color - What color is Thomas Levi Markell ’s hair?

Dark brown hair, lightly streaked with light brown and dirty blond

Body Type


Skin Tone

Beige/pail skin

Race - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s race?

Human (German-Irish)

Eye Color - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s eye color?

Teal-ish blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Thomas Levi Markell have?


Hair Style - How does Thomas Levi Markell style their hair?

Neck length hair

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Scar that wraps around his right arm like a snake- caused by a whip.

Small Y shape scar on his right eyebrow- (Not really noticeable) caused by a fall.

Likes wearing black cloths (usually wears black leather jackets (And hoodies) and dark blue pants)

Tatoo on left arm near wrist, "7025" in straight black letters, underlined once then with HValley letters under it spelling "Phantom"

Face Shape


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Fighting with many types of different weapons. Stunt devil on his motorcycle. Hatching. Tracking. Ruining relationships (Including his own).


PTSD, Psychosis

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Can and will get lost in a crowd to find food.

Hates slackers and lazy people (including gamers) {<even though he plays vid games}

When stressed, he will find a way into an air vent/roof/any odd place/walk-in fridge to hide.

when feeling lonely, he will do everything in his power to adopt or steal all the animals from the pet store.

Motivations - What motivates Thomas Levi Markell most?

Completing his given jobs.
Becoming the best father to his wolf, brown bear, elk, 20 humming birds, 2 foxes, and 3 cats.

Flaws - What flaws does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Quick-tempered. Over caring for animals. Sometimes uncaring with people. Daydreamer. Prideful. Mood swings

Prejudices - What prejudices does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Hates people that harm his family and friends. Protecting all existing animals that he loves way too much.
Naturally dislikes people who talk to his

Hobbies - What hobbies does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Gun Smith, breeder, and care taker.

Personality type - What personality type is Thomas Levi Markell ?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s favorite color?

Yellow (gold), black, blue, and purple.

Favorite weapon - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s favorite weapon?

Guns, shield, and magic

Favorite possession - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s favorite possession?

His gun, shield, and spear.

Favorite food - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s favorite food?

Figs and pineapple (Yasss .. Pineapple)

Occupation - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s occupation?

Thief, assassin, and messenger

Politics - What politics does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Once upon a time Grim reaper

Religion - What religion does Thomas Levi Markell practice?


Favorite animal - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s favorite animal?


info History
Education - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s level of education?

5th grade education (Because his parents died when the war began) Finished his education with Ortwin.

Background - What is Thomas Levi Markell ’s background?

His birth parents died when he was 5 in a car explosion.

Birthday - When is Thomas Levi Markell ’s birthday?

Feb 18, 2059

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Thomas Levi Markell have?

Wolf(gray Wolf), Ember(Cat), Buck (Male Elk), Brian (Bear)



history Changelog
edit Notes

Notable Powers:
Light Healing

Void Spread: Like corruption, darkness will spread from him like a blanket of night. Those surfaces will become indestructible. Wherever the spread is, he can see through it. The spread can go onto him, turning him into a dark figure mirroring the galaxy.
Super Human Condition

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Children link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Thomas Levi Markell

Character chevron_right Grandchildren link mentioned Thomas Levi Markell

This character was created by TheGoldenLegend on

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