info Overview
Name - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s full name?

Valerie Astrid Ragnhild

Gender - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild go by?


Role - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s role in your story?

Side Protagonist/Love Interest

Age - How old is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild?

969 (19 for humans)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild weigh?

139lbs. With no wings.

Height - How tall is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild?


Hair Color - What color is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s hair?

Deep auburn red.

Body Type

Sexy babe~

Skin Tone

light peach-ish tan.

Race - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s race?


Eye Color - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s eye color?

Electric blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

None~ Lol, a long beard. Haha!

Hair Style - How does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild style their hair?

Long flowy and sorta un-kept.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

Wings colored lie Violet backed starling

Face Shape


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

She can fly, can wield awesome sword of thunda power!!!

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

blushes when Lonan is around.

Motivations - What motivates Valerie Astrid Ragnhild most?

(*Marry Lonan Lol) Use thundering sword of awesome...and other stuff. Maybe take care of Chase? Possibly stop wars?

Flaws - What flaws does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

A "little" hot-headed and stubborn. Likes to question a lot of stuff and probably uses comical stuff in the middle of battle or other inappropriate times.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

Does not like people who try to kill her. Also Chases poopie diapers.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

Pranking, bad jokes, baby-sitting and worshipping the god Loki.

Personality type - What personality type is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild?

Brash, outgoing. Loyal but not trustworthy, a trickster. And a good-ish? flirt.
Bold, Strong, Brave, inquisitive, on the bright side.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s favorite weapon?

Sword and throwing daggers.

Favorite possession - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s favorite possession?

Lonan and her sword.

Favorite food - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s favorite food?

Chips and other junk food.

Occupation - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s occupation?

Knight in theiving armor.

Politics - What politics does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild have?

She da kings daughter>

Religion - What religion does Valerie Astrid Ragnhild practice?


Favorite animal - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s favorite animal?

Cats and griffin.

info History
Education - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s level of education?

Highschool and a master degree in martial arts.

Background - What is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s background?

Mother was kinda strict and Victoria was always adventurous, so it kinda put a dent in most of her plans. Had no father growing up.

Birthday - When is Valerie Astrid Ragnhild’s birthday?

Dec 31

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by TheGoldenLegend on

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