info Overview
Name - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s full name?

Xavier Silvester Bateglia

Gender - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Xavier Silvester Bateglia go by?

Jack or Blizzard

Role - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s role in your story?

Evil Overlord/ Villain

Age - How old is Xavier Silvester Bateglia?

1,428 (Aka- 28)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Xavier Silvester Bateglia weigh?


Height - How tall is Xavier Silvester Bateglia?


Hair Color - What color is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s hair?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s race?


Eye Color - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s eye color?

Sterling Grey.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?


Hair Style - How does Xavier Silvester Bateglia style their hair?

Sorta wavy hair.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

White owl wings and hair

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

Everything- (Magic- he has the same ability's of Jack frost)



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

When looking at a good looking person, his emotions go 'blank'.

Motivations - What motivates Xavier Silvester Bateglia most?

Protecting Chase and his adopted son Lonan.

Flaws - What flaws does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

Can’t have candy or sweets. Hates heat. Partially Emotionless.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

Want to stop the quarreling in his family and tell the truth about their lies.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

Jewelry making, book writing, cooking, becoming super hot beyond imaginable.And a modeling career.

Personality type - What personality type is Xavier Silvester Bateglia?

Quite. Calm. Caring. Loyal. Faithful. Bold, strong, kind, quiet. Thinks of everyone like helpless children that he must protect. Callous

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s favorite weapon?

His sword and looks.

Favorite possession - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s favorite possession?

His griffin and Lonan

Favorite food - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s favorite food?

Ice tea and toast

Occupation - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

Grand Duke

Religion - What religion does Xavier Silvester Bateglia practice?


Favorite animal - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s favorite animal?

Snowy owl

info History
Education - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s level of education?

Masters degree in everything

Background - What is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s background?

His mother died when he was young, his father left him in the assassins school. From there he venoms the head master of the school and monastery.

Birthday - When is Xavier Silvester Bateglia’s birthday?

Dec 7

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Xavier Silvester Bateglia have?

Snowy griffin

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by TheGoldenLegend on

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