info Overview
Name - What is Felix McCrayze’s full name?

Felix McCrayze

Age - How old is Felix McCrayze?

Begins series at about age 13

Gender - What is Felix McCrayze’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Felix McCrayze go by?

-Kiddo, Kid (he hates this, especially after Season 4)

Role - What is Felix McCrayze’s role in your story?

Male Lead, Best Friend

face Looks
Body Type

On the skinny side; lean muscle

Skin Tone

Reddish Brown

Hair Color - What color is Felix McCrayze’s hair?

Black, with FuseDyed streaks.

Hair Style - How does Felix McCrayze style their hair?

Messy, reaches just below the ears

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Felix McCrayze have?


Eye Color - What is Felix McCrayze’s eye color?

Dark brown

Race - What is Felix McCrayze’s race?


Weight - How much does Felix McCrayze weigh?

About 98 lbs

Height - How tall is Felix McCrayze?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Felix McCrayze have?

-Hoverboarding ("Crashing")

Personality type - What personality type is Felix McCrayze?

-Can get aggressive or overly assertive without realizing it

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Felix McCrayze practice?


Favorite animal - What is Felix McCrayze’s favorite animal?

He doesn't really have one.

info History
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Felix McCrayze have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Development
folder_open Abilities
folder_open Songs
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Felix McCrayze

Character chevron_right Children link linked Felix McCrayze

This character was created by AJ on

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