info Overview
Name - What is Shanon McCrayze’s full name?

Shanon McCrayze

Age - How old is Shanon McCrayze?


Gender - What is Shanon McCrayze’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Shanon McCrayze go by?

Chief, Commander, Boss

Role - What is Shanon McCrayze’s role in your story?

Commanding Sergeant of her Borg faction

face Looks
Body Type

Tall, Muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Shanon McCrayze have?

-Cybernetic lower legs
-Various nicks and scars
-Flux Tattoos on the backs of her hands and forearms

Skin Tone

Reddish Brown

Hair Color - What color is Shanon McCrayze’s hair?

Dark Brown

Hair Style - How does Shanon McCrayze style their hair?

Short, generally messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Shanon McCrayze have?


Eye Color - What is Shanon McCrayze’s eye color?

Dark Brown

Race - What is Shanon McCrayze’s race?


Weight - How much does Shanon McCrayze weigh?

152 in muscle

Height - How tall is Shanon McCrayze?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Shanon McCrayze have?

-Has difficulty trusting people to do things right
-Blunt/ Overly direct
-Easily agitated

Talents - What talents does Shanon McCrayze have?

-Leadership skills
-Proficient in five martial arts
-Espionage/Military strategy

Personality type - What personality type is Shanon McCrayze?

-Slightly bitter
-Fiercely loyal
-Operates well under pressure
-Secretly a very caring person

Motivations - What motivates Shanon McCrayze most?

Her fierce loyalty to her country, fellow veterans, and loved ones.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Shanon McCrayze’s favorite weapon?

Military-grade firearms // Herself.

Occupation - What is Shanon McCrayze’s occupation?

(Season 1) Cage Fighter for prize money

(Season 2-beyond) Commanding Sergeant of rebel Borg faction

Favorite possession - What is Shanon McCrayze’s favorite possession?

Her collection of military awards

info History
Education - What is Shanon McCrayze’s level of education?

Average Citizen-level education, extensive military training and experience

Birthday - When is Shanon McCrayze’s birthday?

September 19th

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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folder_open Abilities
folder_open Songs
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This character was created by AJ on

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