info Overview
Name - What is Marnie Van Dax’s full name?

Marnie Van Dax

Age - How old is Marnie Van Dax?

Begins the series at age 13.

Gender - What is Marnie Van Dax’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marnie Van Dax go by?

Full name is Jesimyn Mireta, only ever called that by her family when she's in huge trouble. Otherwise, she goes by Marnie.

Role - What is Marnie Van Dax’s role in your story?

Female Lead, Tagalong Kid, Coming-of-Age Hero

face Looks
Body Type

Begins with a small, slightly pudgy build; eventually (as in, years later) develops a strong athletic body type, muscular build, well-developed shoulders and slim hips; Fast metabolism. This athletic potential is a result of well-placed genetic engineering by her parents.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marnie Van Dax have?

Freckles all over her arms, legs, and face // (SPOILERS)

Skin Tone

Light & freckled

Hair Color - What color is Marnie Van Dax’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Marnie Van Dax style their hair?

-Slightly longer than shoulder length; Cowlick bangs
-Pulled back with a headband

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marnie Van Dax have?


Eye Color - What is Marnie Van Dax’s eye color?


Race - What is Marnie Van Dax’s race?


Weight - How much does Marnie Van Dax weigh?

104 lbs.

Height - How tall is Marnie Van Dax?

5 ft exactly

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Marnie Van Dax have?

-Impulsive, sometimes careless
-Forgetful, often misplaces things.
-Socially awkward, often says the wrong thing at the wrong time/ can be overly direct and forward
-Overthinks things
-Insecure about her own abilities
-Has a habit of getting into fights

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marnie Van Dax have?

-Views the world in terms of black and white; good guys and bad guys.

-Taught to believe that Cyborgs are dangerous, pitiful people who must be detained by the government for the good of everyone.

Talents - What talents does Marnie Van Dax have?

-Genius inventor
-Later proves to be a semi-capable fighter, although it's never her forte.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marnie Van Dax have?

-Tinkering/ Making things
-Testing out her inventions
-Playing puzzle/ adventure games on her HoloPad.

Personality type - What personality type is Marnie Van Dax?

-Generally upbeat
-Quirky to a fault/ can be off setting.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marnie Van Dax have?

-Is always moving/ engaged in some activity (HATES being bored but gets bored very easily). Fidgety.
-Easily distracted, often discards projects one they've lost their appeal.
-Often spaces out; Daydreamer.
-Hypersensitive, good at spotting details
-Talks to herself

Motivations - What motivates Marnie Van Dax most?

-Wants desperately for a best friend, someone whom she can rely on for anything.

-Wants her inventions to help people/ make them smile

-Wants to understand how the world works/ To learn the truth about the corruption in their government and understand why their world is such a dark place

-Wants to keep the people she loves form getting hurt; will do anything and go through anyone to protect who or what she cares about.

-Wants to become smart/ strong enough to help others and herself

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Marnie Van Dax’s favorite weapon?

Any one of her inventions. Not a lot of them are designed to be weapons, but about 90% of them have a tendency to malfunction in explosive ways. She's used this to her tactical advantage more than once.

Religion - What religion does Marnie Van Dax practice?

None. In the future, most religions have been either abolished or forgotten.

Politics - What politics does Marnie Van Dax have?

Constantly in flux, due to new ideas and opinions being thrown at her during her adventures. Most of the time, she doesn't know what to think.

Occupation - What is Marnie Van Dax’s occupation?

The team's resident Gadgeteer Genius.

Favorite color - What is Marnie Van Dax’s favorite color?

It changes depending on her mood, but usually, she likes blue and green.

Favorite food - What is Marnie Van Dax’s favorite food?

-Printies: 3D printed snack food that you can design in interesting shapes. She especially loves CheesyBuns (cheese bread in the shape of a bunny) and TwistyPuffs (marshmallow-like candies in pliable shapes).

-Marnie also like the strawberry-flavored SupplaFreezes (smoothie-like supplement drinks; good energy boosts!)

Favorite possession - What is Marnie Van Dax’s favorite possession?

A black and green "Van Dax Robotics" company jacket that Alister gave her just before she left. The jacket is later destroyed.

Favorite animal - What is Marnie Van Dax’s favorite animal?

When she was eight, Marnie built a little robotic mouse she named Doris. It later broke, but since then, she's made approximately 27 different models of Doris (mainly because they keep breaking- but at least she got good at building robot mice).

info History
Education - What is Marnie Van Dax’s level of education?

-Advanced for her age in terms of practical knowledge (in the areas of technology)

-Slow when it comes to traditional learning (particularly in subjects she has no interest in), is often miles behind her peers.

-((If you haven't noticed, Marnie is ADHD, fyi.))

Background - What is Marnie Van Dax’s background?

Marnie comes from a wealthy, upper class family and is quite familiar with her parent's business (a Robotics company that often sells directly to the government).

For as long as she could remember, Marnie had always been strange. As was usual in her city, her parents had altered her genes to ensure that she was free of disease and had an enhanced immune system; however, like her older brother before her, they also altered her mind to ensure that she would be far more intelligent than the average child. The process worked fine, but oftentimes the way she showed it suggested otherwise.

From a young age, Marnie was fascinated with how things worked. She'd take things apart and put them together in new and different ways ("new and different" often just meant "explosive and dangerous"), and received a lot of instruction from her older brother Alister. She learned rapidly and there was no doubt that she was truly brilliant- but she was still a child with a lot to learn.

Birthday - When is Marnie Van Dax’s birthday?

July 13th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Marnie Van Dax have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Development
folder_open Abilities
folder_open Songs

-Everything’s Alright: Lizz Robinett // Tokyo Teddy Bear: JubyPhonic (after leaving Gentia)


-Toluthin Antenna: JubyPhonic

-Mischievous Function: JubyPhonic

-Shounen Brave: JubyPhonic

-Reboot: JubyPhonic

-Odds & Ends: JubyPhonic

-Shelter: JubyPhonic

-Lost Ones Weeping: JubyPhonic

-Yoru Wo Koero: JubyPhonic

-Peace Sign: JubyPhonic translation

-Peace Sign: Jonathan Young translation

-Mirikai Answer: Lizz Robinett

-Irony: Lizz Robinett

-Anything I’m Not: Lenka

-Everything’s Okay: Lenka

-This Will Be The Day: RWBY

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Marnie Van Dax

This character was created by AJ on

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