info Overview
Name/First name


Age - How old is Rosalia?


Gender - What is Rosalia’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Rosalia go by?

Aunt Rosalia (children of Vale)

Role - What is Rosalia’s role in your story?

Co-leader of Vale alongside Calix

face Looks
Race - What is Rosalia’s race?


Height - How tall is Rosalia?


Eye color - What is Rosalia’s eye color?

Emerald green

Skin tone


Hair color - What color is Rosalia’s hair?




fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rosalia have?

  • Empathetic and pacifist, similar to Calix

  • Determined to foster peaceful relationships between humans and Aberrants both in and out of Vale

  • Fiercely protective of the citizens of Vale, and is particularly close to the village children

  • Shares a close bond with Calix after hearing the latter's dream and saving his life during battle, despite the two being on opposite sides

Moral compass

Very strong

Motivations - What motivates Rosalia most?

To see a world where humans and Aberrants coexist peacefully

forum Speech & Communication

British accent

groups Social
info History
Background - What is Rosalia’s background?

Rosalia was once a leader of a human camp situated on the Euria-Gaelen border. Ten years ago she was approached by a heavily injured Calix leading a band of pacifist Aberrants – including children – all of who were simply searching for a place to rest and heal. Understandably wary of them at first, Rosalia reluctantly allowed them to camp on the other side of a large river as long as they did not threaten the human refugee camp. What began as an uneasy truce gradually blossomed into a friendship as both sides interacted with each other from opposite sides of the river and even occasionally traded supplies. Calix promised Rosalia he and the Aberrants would leave to find another place far away to live from humanity once his group was fully healed – a promise Rosalia made him swear with his life.

About a month later, a group of hostile Aberrants attacked both the human and Aberrant refugee camps, forcing both sides to put aside their differences to fight the enemies off. During the conflict Rosalia and Calix both witnessed firsthand their people helping each other, and the two leaders saved each other's lives more than once. Once the rogue Aberrants were defeated human and Homunculus treated each other's wounds, and from that day onward an interspecies friendship borne of mutual gratitude took root – which eventually grew into a shared dream of a world where humans and Aberrants could live together peacefully. Said dream blossomed in the formation of Vale, which Rosalia agreed to colead alongside Calix – and has done so ever since.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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Character chevron_right Mannerisms link mentioned Rosalia

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