info Overview
Name - What is Aideen McKenna’s full name?

Aideen McKenna

Other names - What other aliases does Aideen McKenna go by?

Aya, Deen, anything you can come up with.

Gender - What is Aideen McKenna’s gender?


Age - How old is Aideen McKenna?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Aideen McKenna weigh?


Height - How tall is Aideen McKenna?


Hair Color - What color is Aideen McKenna’s hair?

russet red/brown

Hair Style - How does Aideen McKenna style their hair?

thick curls, just past shoulder length. when straightened, past elbows.

Eye Color - What is Aideen McKenna’s eye color?

green, with darker outside edges and light green-blue inner edges.

Race - What is Aideen McKenna’s race?

Dragon Born (basically, she was still born at the same time a dragon still-hatched and their spirits collided one the way to the next place so voila: half human, half dragon hybrid. her normal form looks like Merida with rough skin that could be described as 'scaly'; she can shift into full human, half & half, and full dragon forms.

Skin Tone

pale, pale, pale. lots of freckles.

Body Type

slender and lithe.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aideen McKenna have?

lots and lots of freckles on her face, arms, and all over. many pale scars like scratches and scrapes. a mark at the base of her neck, almost always obscured by her hair, that resembles a torn bat wing.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aideen McKenna have?

nervous habit is to pick at her lips and face, so she has acne scars as well as freckles.

tell for lying is that she cant keep eye contact, but she isn't good at eye contact even when she is telling the truth.
when mad, her hair gets a little brighter, like a live coal when a breeze touches it,

Motivations - What motivates Aideen McKenna most?

protecting her younger sister, keeping both of them safe and alive, free food.

Flaws - What flaws does Aideen McKenna have?

she takes too much responsibility upon herself; she is very hard on herself.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aideen McKenna have?

other Dragon Born are wild savages that raise chaos wherever they go. Humans are ALL not great. Dragons are the best creatures.

Talents - What talents does Aideen McKenna have?

she's good with young'uns and wild animals. Reading the weather is easier than reading for her.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aideen McKenna have?

sewing, hunting, teaching her sister everything she can.

Personality type - What personality type is Aideen McKenna?

she is a kind, gentle soul. she loves small critters and little kids, and takes naturally to mothering and caretaking.

However, if she is pushed far enough beyond her just dont do that. yk the 'mama bear' thing? try mama dragon with teen hormones.

Condition(s)/ Powers, etc.

very very minor pyrokinesis in human and half & half form.
in full dragon form, she can feel thoughts; not reading, hearing or intruding, just feel when most thinking beings are near.


not a big fan of deep water. losing her flight.
anything happening to her sister.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Aideen McKenna’s occupation?

just keeping her and Astraea safe

Favorite color - What is Aideen McKenna’s favorite color?

bright, happy yellow

Favorite food - What is Aideen McKenna’s favorite food?

Rabbit, blackberries, venison.

Favorite possession - What is Aideen McKenna’s favorite possession?

she values no object over Astraea.

Favorite weapon - What is Aideen McKenna’s favorite weapon?

her own claws and teeth, or bow & arrow

Favorite animal - What is Aideen McKenna’s favorite animal?

she loves all critters, but kittens and horses are special to her.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Aideen McKenna’s birthday?

July 21

Background - What is Aideen McKenna’s background?

she was not a Pure Dragon Born like Astraea, she was formed and she formed in dragon when she first appeared. (good god, what are words???) she survived by living with her dragon parents until they caught some human disease and DEID. she posed as a human till she found Astraea now shes trying to find a Dragon Born place the humans haven't gotten to.

device_hub Family
edit Notes
local_offer outfit
Normal outfit

simple jeans/t-shirt getup. nothing special.

audiotrack Music
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This character was created by Ella on

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