info Overview
Name - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s full name?

Einar Luctum-Columbae

Role - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s role in your story?

MC's friend

Other names - What other aliases does Einar Luctum-Columbae go by?


Gender - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s gender?


Age - How old is Einar Luctum-Columbae?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Einar Luctum-Columbae weigh?


Height - How tall is Einar Luctum-Columbae?


Hair Color - What color is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s hair?

dark brown, almost black

Hair Style - How does Einar Luctum-Columbae style their hair?

think Sam Winchester season 1
(google it, pls)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?


Eye Color - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Race - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s race?

Winged Folk

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

birthmarks that look like large blots of ink or huge misshapen freckles.
his wings aren't the normal color for Mourning Doves-- instead of soft grey, cream color and off-white, his wings are mottled medium gray with charcoal grey tips. the wings are much too big for him.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

his tell for lying is, when his wings are present, to shuffle them slightly; he also keeps his face a bit too expressionless.
he cant hide a smile to save his life.
he acts like he doesnt like to be touched, but he is very touch-starved and loves hugs.

Motivations - What motivates Einar Luctum-Columbae most?

keeping his wings secret, protecting his friends and family, keeping up his family's reputation of nobility and prestige.

Flaws - What flaws does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

he can tend to act a bit too high-and-mighty, a habit from his stuck-up family.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

that all members of the major Winged Folk families are stuck-up snobs, just like his and that they cant ever change that. and that his family tree is above others; but thats only because he's been taught that for all of his life and deep down, he knows it isn't true.

Talents - What talents does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

well he can fly...
hes also very academically smart and a fast runner.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

chess, crafting (he particularly likes making windchimes), he cultivates a special tree moss that grows without much water and is great for nests.
he likes to swim, and with his wings present he feels so free and powerful.

Personality type - What personality type is Einar Luctum-Columbae?

he is in between extrovert/introvert, in that he likes interacting with others because its refreshing for him to interact with ppl who aren't his sucky parents or siblings, but he feels estranged from normal people so he has a hard time striking up conversation without it just turning into small talk that doesnt go anywhere.
he likes to have little talks, the kind that reveal little pieces of your soul. he is a gentle soul, a very stargazing, listen to gentle music to fall asleep, talk in soft voices until drifting off, evening with the stars coming out early type of guy.
he freaking LOVES hugs and cuddles, but he doesnt know that cause he never has an opportunity to enjoy those those things. thus, he is a lil touch-starved boi who just needs to be platonically crushed in a hug.

Condition(s)/ Powers, etc.

He has wings, but he can fold them and will them to disappear. His friends don't know, but they will find out.
his wings are that of a mourning dove, but the ends are charcoal black and much too big and uncoordinated.


falling! having his wings ripped off (thats a common fear for Winged Folk).

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Einar Luctum-Columbae practice?

similar to the native Americans.

Favorite color - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s favorite color?

dark green, dark blue

Favorite food - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s favorite food?

Fancy BLT, with high-quality ingredients.

Favorite possession - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s favorite possession?

his childhood girl best friend's (wink, wink) locket; she died in a storm and that was one of the few things they found of her. he hasn't opened the locket; it is crusted and rusted shut, but he didnt try very hard to open it, intending to save the image Inside for some other time.
it is a round pendant, with engraved wings stretched out across the front. Her name is engraved on the back. the chain is a fine gold one, the kind with, like three different chains linked together to make one that's three times as much chain?? not sure how to describe it. the locket part is about as big as a silver half-dollar; an inch, half an inch diameter?

Favorite weapon - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s favorite weapon?

Blowgun, sharpened wing-tip armor

Favorite animal - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s birthday?

March 3

Education - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s level of education?

Still attending school ( Galleon's School of Silence )

Background - What is Einar Luctum-Columbae’s background?

growing up in a very prestigious family, he always had access to the best education and such. now he's at a very nice school and attends a Winged Folk summer camp during the summer and winter break. his parents are kind of the type of people to have very high standards and not much bonding with their children- thus, Einar has some minor trust issues and a hard time forming bonds with friends.

hes the youngest of three. his older brother, the oldest, has the most magical voice the family has seen in a while. he can actually hypnotize people with song. his sister is training for politics; she has a silver tongue like you would not believe.
and lil Einar's specialty is that his wings are too big.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Einar Luctum-Columbae have?

a parrot!

edit Notes
local_offer outfit
Normal outfit

kinda emo/grunge lookin'; black t-shirts, jeans that may or may not be torn, sneakers or boots.

audiotrack Music
singing skill

10/10, by human standards. by his people's standards, 5/10.

Einar Luctum-Columbae appears in the following documents
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This character was created by Ella on

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