info Overview
Name - What is Astraea McKenna’s full name?

Astraea McKenna

Other names - What other aliases does Astraea McKenna go by?

Trae, Young'un

Gender - What is Astraea McKenna’s gender?


Age - How old is Astraea McKenna?

Appears 9-10, is actually a couple hundred years and change in age. ages slowly. is actually closer to 12-13

face Looks
Weight - How much does Astraea McKenna weigh?


Height - How tall is Astraea McKenna?


Hair Color - What color is Astraea McKenna’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Astraea McKenna style their hair?

long with gentle waves, sometimes Aideen puts it in Vikings-style braids

Eye Color - What is Astraea McKenna’s eye color?

silver blue

Race - What is Astraea McKenna’s race?

DragonBorn; her dragon form is an air/sky type of dragon

Skin Tone

pale, as pale as can be. no freckles

Body Type

frail, willowy.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Astraea McKenna have?

burn marks on her back, no freckles.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Astraea McKenna have?

her eyes get so big when curious or fascinated.
she tends to get scared or overstimulated and might even go so far as to curl into a ball in a corner.
she does the shy-smile-at-the-ground thing.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Astraea McKenna have?

stargazing, listening to the wind, watching lightning, seeing the shapes in the clouds; things like that.

Personality type - What personality type is Astraea McKenna?

she is very timid and shy. her giggle is one of the best sounds in the world, though, if you can make her come out of her shell.

Condition(s)/ Powers, etc.

sometimes she goes nonverbal. she gets headaches from loud noises. allergic to most chemical medicines found in drugstores.


being alone, Aideen dying, forest fires, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes. destructiveness in nature, or from humans.
SPIDERS, she has gone into a shock state from breathing too hard when she spotted a small spider on a trail.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Astraea McKenna’s favorite color?

pastels, light tones. she especially likes silver, sky blue and periwinkle.

Favorite food - What is Astraea McKenna’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Astraea McKenna’s favorite weapon?

she avoids violence

Favorite animal - What is Astraea McKenna’s favorite animal?

little birds, baby animals, beetles and butterflies. terrified of spiders.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Astraea McKenna’s birthday?

January 31

Background - What is Astraea McKenna’s background?

her family was persecuted in front of her at age four. They were a family of Pure Dragon Borns; meaning they were BORN as dragon born, not the usual dying-at-the-same-time-and-joining thing. She had an older brother, an aunt and uncle and her mother and father burned at the stake in front of her. she escaped, but cant say how cause the memory is blocked in her head.
Aideen found her a month later, and adopted her.

(here's the truth, but im only writing it so I remember: her folks got roasted back in he 1700's, and she put herself in a hibernation-coma thing until Aideen found her. this explains a lot. she ages slower naturally because she spent so much time in hibernation; she was about four years old when Aideen found her nine years ago; she's only really aged three or four years. She is very quiet, curious and cautious; she cried herself to sleep then woke up in the 21st century. this is all secret stuff, just wanted to write down the background so it didnt get forgotten)

Trauma / Tragedy

her birth family was burned in front of her, ofc.

device_hub Family
edit Notes
local_offer outfit
Normal outfit

soft, flowwy, comfy clothes are her go-to choices. loose long-sleeved shirts, oversized sweaters, thin gauzy things. the more mystical-looking the better, but humans dont make those kind of things like they used to.
she usually goes barefoot, but when shoes are necessary she prefers lightweight ones; not boots or heavy, suffocating shoes.

audiotrack Music
favorite band(s)

prefers to listen to the sounds of nature; wind, birds, crickets. soft, gentle or classical music

singing skill

voice of a goddam ANGEL. very light, high voice comparable to Ashley Serena, Aurora, Eurielle, Celtic Woman, etc.

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This character was created by Ella on

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