info Overview
Name - What is Stellar’s full name?


Role - What is Stellar’s role in your story?

Major Character

Other names - What other aliases does Stellar go by?

The Alpha Spaceship, the Primal Spaceship, Estelle

Gender - What is Stellar’s gender?


Age - How old is Stellar?

Over 10000 chronologically, a young adult physically

face Looks
Height - How tall is Stellar?


Hair Color - What color is Stellar’s hair?

Purple, indigo

Hair Style - How does Stellar style their hair?

Usually doesn't style her fur, it's unusual to see her do so

Eye Color - What is Stellar’s eye color?


Race - What is Stellar’s race?

Spaceship Jovians

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Stellar have?

Star-shaped headlights, four arms, large wings lined with jets, crystal embedded in tail, black freckles all over body

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Stellar have?

Polite and sweet towards everyone she meets, takes everyone's voice into consideration and uses her manners often. Sees others as her equals, despite being a clan ruler. Cares deeply for her underlings and ideologies, being very passionate and determined to see her dreams through.

Motivations - What motivates Stellar most?

Her idea of a new Jovia, fuelled by science and technology, rather than sacrifices, magic and violence. She wishes for world piece, and she, as well as her higher-ups, are working hard with scientific experiments, in order to see this dream through.

Flaws - What flaws does Stellar have?

Often fidgets, stutters, and looks around excessively, as well as constant twitching. Finds it very hard to make eye contact or speak up for herself in fear of causing drama, and is always paranoid of making others upset. She struggles to put her thoughts and feelings into words, and can find it hard to keep conversations going.

Talents - What talents does Stellar have?

Science, stargazing, observing, writing, drawing, sewing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Stellar have?

Stargazing, reading, drawing, performing scientific experiments, writing, sewing

Personality type - What personality type is Stellar?

Lawful Moral, ISFJ, introverted and passionate


Suffers from anxiety, and some PTSD from Paradox's attacks against her and her clan

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Stellar have?

Politics doesn't really exist on Jovia, so she doesn't care for it.

Occupation - What is Stellar’s occupation?

Ruler of Space Sector and the Spaceships.

Favorite color - What is Stellar’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Stellar’s favorite food?

Pastries, as well as sugary treats.
A vegetarian, so she dislikes anything with meat.

Favorite possession - What is Stellar’s favorite possession?

Her observatory and the equipment she keeps inside of it, as it is the sole thing that allows her to look at the stars in their full beauty.

Favorite weapon - What is Stellar’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't really wield any weapons, finds it to be 'helping violence' and thus dislikes to keep them around. Isn't very skilled with weapons, either. Uses her teeth, talons or tail for combat instead.

Favorite animal - What is Stellar’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Stellar have?

Ruler of Space Sector and the Spaceship clan
Astronomer, scientist
No previous jobs

date_range History
Birthday - When is Stellar’s birthday?


Education - What is Stellar’s level of education?

Self-educated, never went to any form of school, college or university, due to such things not existing when she was born. Surprisingly intelligent despite this, however.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Stellar have?

Formerly owned a pet parrot, which died of a sickness. Hasn't owned any pets since.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • Originally created in 2022

  • She is the only Jovian Deity to lead an entirely nocturnal lifestyle, unlike the others who are diurnal.

  • She is the second youngest Deity in terms of birth, while she is the third tallest.

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This character was created by Antares 💫 on

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