assignment Overview
Main Name


Name Meaning/Significance

  • Bedbug named himself after a species of insect in the Cimidae family of arthropods. While relatives of this species like the Batbug became extinct in the 21st century, the Bedbug managed to survive well into the 2090s due to their versatility in human homes and in large part because of an accident regarding the release of genetically modified Bedbugs by the Asclepius Corporation in a clandestine scheme to convince consumers to purchase their new formula of all-purpose pesticide, which had lost purpose ever since the extinction of the House Cockroaches over three decades ago. This would backfire, leading to the resurgence of a pest that the human race thought they eradicated for good.
    Likewise, Bedbug is affiliated with the Intellans, the organization of the enlightened. Much like his namesake insect, the Executive Division thought they had wiped out all the Intellans through a series of assassinations against their key members, when in actuality they had merely used the Executive Division's assault on their organization to lay low until they found the coveted 4th Variable, a Mecharus created using the Biotechnological Fabrication process perfected through experimentation on the half-dead Interns three quarters of a century prior that had also developed Specter Mutations.

  • More notably, these insects are known for their tendency to feast on the blood of their hosts whilst they are asleep and unaware.
    Likewise, Bedbug has a habit of waiting for his marks to fall asleep before extracting the memories of his victims. This is because Bedbug finds a helpless victim with valuable memories more worth his time over an aware victim with valuable data that can fight back.

Alternate Names

  • Mahagony Chinches (Name used by Bedbug whilst in hiding from the Executive Division. He stole this from a dead Scrapper from the Surveillance Database. Bedbug used the alias to evade the detection of PentaCorp's algorithms and maintain his cover for the Science Division as a black market trades dealer before blowing his disguise once he found the 4th Variable.)

Role - What is Bedbug’s role in your story?

"The Sleeper Agent"
INTELLAN Scientific Intelligence Informant #3

List of Character's Sayings

  • "The demons always come when you're awake."

  • "Sleep's good for the body. But rest is better."

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics
Height - How tall is Bedbug?

  • Bedbug was around 17 feet tall prior to his disappearance in the Sea of Ruin.

  • After exploiting his lack of an administrator to respawn, Bedbug would alter his body to pass for an upgraded Scrapper in order to maintain cover as "Mahagony Chinches". This would result in Bedbug's height being shortened to 15 feet tall, the average size for an SRVU type Mecharus.

Amount of Limbs

  • Bedbug has eight limbs in total, two legs, two normal arms, and four back mounted artillery weapons.

Visible Cybernetic/Robotic Attachments

  • Bedbug has four automated IS3-QC machine guns mounted to his back on the VC3-U5 Mounted Extenders. These don't need to be reloaded, as they siphon off nutrition from Bedbug's internal distribution system by converting inactive Nanites to bullets. The downside to this is that Bedbug needs to consume a lot of fuel in order to recuperate the lost nutrients from sustained gunfire. Fortunately for Bedbug, a single average-sized Mecharus provides just enough nutrition to sustain both Bedbug and his artillery. As can be ascertained from his association with the Intellans, Bedbug has no compulsions against cannibalizing his own "species", or at least close relatives to his species according to him.

equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
Character Self Description

  • "Hmmm? What's this? Some kinda test?
    "Fine I guess.
    "What can I say? I just like watching people sleep. Their memories look pretty fun too.
    "Besides that. I'm just a humble Mech living in the scraps.
    "Until I'm not.. of course."

Flaws - What flaws does Bedbug have?

  • Like his fellow Intellan co-conspirators, Bedbug is very ruthless when it comes to his goals. Unlike his fellow Intellans, Bedbug is willing to put his entire mission on the line if it means that he either fulfills it quicker or fulfills his own desires instead. This was one of the main factors that lead to the Intellans' clandestine operation to be blown, as Bedbug failed to account for the tactical advantage he gave the 4th Variable through giving her the spark of knowledge.

  • Bedbug also has a bit of a confidence problem. That being he's too confident.
    While this confidence has its advantages, this has also left Bedbug heedless to anything that could stifle his plans. A prime example of this was when Bedbug opted to fight Dreadbomb's gang of Scrappers and kidnap Io in person rather than hiring one of the other rogue Scrappers to do his dirty work for him.

alarm History
groups Social
device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Bedbug

Item chevron_right List of Previous and Current Owners link linked Bedbug

This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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