info Overview
Name - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s full name?

Annabelle "Annie" Thickett

Name meaning and origin

Annabelle - Name of Hebrew origin, meaning "favored grace" or "beauty".

Other names - What other aliases does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett go by?


Age - How old is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett?


Gender - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s gender?




face Looks
Weight - How much does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett weigh?


Height - How tall is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett?


Hair Color - What color is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett style their hair?

Long hair down to her knees. She keeps it up in low loose pigtails that drape over her shoulders.

Eye Color - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s eye color?


Race - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s race?


Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type

A lil chubby

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett have?

She has an exceedingly freckled face and shoulders.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett have?

  • People pleaser

  • Pushover

  • Overly optimistic

  • Overbearing at times

  • Restless, can't stay in one place for too long

Hobbies - What hobbies does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett have?

She is a HUGE plant mom, she is constantly gardening. She loves going out into the city and planting trees, but she also loves traveling and is excited when she gets to visit another region. She's been to every region except Reapergate, and she hasn't stayed in Limbo for more than a day.

Personality type - What personality type is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett?


groups Social
Love interest(s)

Favorite color - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s favorite color?

Green, specifically sage green.

Favorite animal - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s favorite animal?

She's a big fan of polar bears.

Job - What job does Annabelle "Annie" Thickett have?

She's a middle school English teacher.

folder_open Quotes
date_range History
Birthday - When is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s birthday?

Spring 25b (April 25)

Education - What is Annabelle "Annie" Thickett’s level of education?

She graduated college with a degree in English.

device_hub Family
audiotrack Music

Anything for You - Ludo

Perfect - Rob Cantor

Folkin' Around - Panic! At The Disco

Adventure Is Out There - AJR

HEY YOU! - Edu

Fine - Lemon Demon

Since I Saw Vienna - Wilbur Soot

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Annabelle "Annie" Thickett

Character chevron_right Love interest(s) link linked Annabelle "Annie" Thickett

This character was created by ethan💥 on

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