info Overview
Name - What is Titus Wick’s full name?

Titus Wick

Name meaning and origin

Titus - Roman origin, meaning "title of honor".

Age - How old is Titus Wick?

His "body" is 22, but he has been around for 53 years.

Gender - What is Titus Wick’s gender?


Voice claim

Nathan Sharp

face Looks
Weight - How much does Titus Wick weigh?

Nothing (he's a ghost)

Height - How tall is Titus Wick?


Hair Color - What color is Titus Wick’s hair?

Black with a purplish tint

Hair Style - How does Titus Wick style their hair?

An alt mullet, but SUPER unkept and crazy like.

Eye Color - What is Titus Wick’s eye color?

Dim purple

Race - What is Titus Wick’s race?


Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Titus Wick?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Titus Wick’s favorite color?

Purple, but specifically a really dark greyish purple.

folder_open Quotes
date_range History
Birthday - When is Titus Wick’s birthday?

Samara 13a (June 13)

Education - What is Titus Wick’s level of education?

He dropped out of highschool.

Background - What is Titus Wick’s background?

He was a normal, angsty 22 year old. He lived in Reds, Novathres, until he died in 2359 due to doing something stupid, as always.
He got hit by a train due to his music being too loud and not hearing the train coming. The train track bordered on Reapergate (where the undead lives), and he was revived as a ghost entity the following Aulturna. He now only revives every year on the day of Aulturna and until Wintarin ends.

device_hub Family
audiotrack Music

Too Tired To Wink - Ludo

Watch Your Back - Junie & TheHutFriends

Salvaged - NateWantsToBattle

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by ethan💥 on

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