info Overview
Name - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s full name?

Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden

Name meaning and origin

Mantaveniere - Name of no origin, because I made it up (within universe, though, it means "prowess").

Manta - Name of Latin origin, meaning "mythical prophetess".

Other names - What other aliases does Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden go by?


Age - How old is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden?


Gender - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s gender?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden weigh?


Height - How tall is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden?


Hair Color - What color is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s hair?

Slate blue

Hair Style - How does Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden style their hair?

Long dreads

Eye Color - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s eye color?

Aqua blue

Race - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s race?

Human African Rayan, with Cadnorma (sea creature) attributes.

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden have?

Blue marks on their face that are just markings of their race.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden have?

  • Quixotic (overly idealistic)

  • Overly empathetic

  • Lacks knowledge of other regions & social cues

  • Gullible

  • Accidentally inconsiderate

Personality type - What personality type is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s favorite color?

Sea foam green and sea foam blue

Favorite food - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s favorite food?

Good old leaves. Since they're vegan, any kind of pretty leaves. But they are partial to Orange-stem Blades.

Favorite animal - What is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s favorite animal?

Any oceanic animal, they are friends with.

Job - What job does Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden have?

Royal advisor of the Queen of the Rolling Ray islands.

folder_open Quotes
date_range History
Birthday - When is Mantaveniere "Manta" Raden’s birthday?

Aulturna 19b (October 19)

device_hub Family
audiotrack Music

Manta Rays - Ludo

Little Astronaut - Aku P

Aglow - The Rare Occasions

Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - MARINA

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by ethan💥 on

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