info Overview
Name - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s full name?

Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison

Role - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s role in your story?

Generation two hero

Other names - What other aliases does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison go by?

His alias is Titan, people call him John

Gender - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s gender?

Cis male (he/him)



Age - How old is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ?

18 in 2041

face Looks
Weight - How much does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison weigh?


Height - How tall is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ?


Hair Color - What color is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison style their hair?

Hangs around his neck, shaggy bangs

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?


Eye Color - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s eye color?

pale blue

Race - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s race?


Skin Tone

white with blush tones

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?

Sharp, aggressive when he needs to be, commanding

Motivations - What motivates Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison most?

family, friends and spite

Flaws - What flaws does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?

he's very aggressive

Talents - What talents does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?

he has self-healing powers

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?

He's very much a human rights activist, he will beat transphobes up


he has some aggression issues

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison practice?


Politics - What politics does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?

Aggressively liberal

Occupation - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s favorite possession?

his patch jacket

Favorite weapon - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s favorite weapon?

brute force

Favorite animal - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s favorite animal?

orca whales

date_range History
Birthday - When is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s birthday?

February 13th

Education - What is Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison ’s level of education?

He's about to go to college

folder_open Heroics and villainy


Public appearance and appreciation

they dont know much about him

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison have?

A python

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Children link linked Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison

Character chevron_right Half-siblings link linked Jonathan 'John' Robert Harrison

This character was created by Sydney on

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