info Overview
Name - What is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s full name?

Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)



Age - How old is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)?


Gender - What is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena) go by?

Yori/ Neni (Nicknames by her family)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s eye color?

Dark Blue

Hair Color - What color is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s hair?

Ruddy Brown

Hair Style - How does Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena) style their hair?

Long and wavy, often worn up

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena) have?


Skin Tone

Olive brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena) have?

Much like her father, Aurus Kiria-Na, she tunnel-visions on research, often to a fault. This has led her to neglect her duties as a Don of Tuvalla, and before that as a Don of Cas-Kiria. Those unacquainted with Oriel tend to perceive her as rather uncaring and withdrawn, and she has a hard time breaking out of that because she gets caught up in her own mind.

accessibility_new Mannerisms
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s favorite weapon?

She prefers not to fight, but when being trained by her parents, preferred anything long that she could use to hit Vamah with enough force to get him to yield so she would be able to leave and do something else.

Religion - What religion does Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena) practice?


Job - What job does Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena) have?

  • Don of Passas

  • Scholar

  • Training to be a financial advisor/ treasurer to her Mayadón

Occupation - What is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s occupation?

  • Aurus confides either his plans/culty pursuits or else his post-cult curse to Oriel (depending), and she has been secretly devoted to figuring out a way to further his findings and/or release him of the curse ever since.

(She was at school in Soleád as a teen and he was able to secret his way there very briefly? Or he sent her a letter there, knowing it would just be her (OR she “accidentally” found a letter to Cícia/ Other Prof?))

Languages spoken

Affiliated Groups

info History
Education - What is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s level of education?

Her parents educated Oriel and her siblings in scholastic, political/ financial, and physical training- a standard array for noble children in Vagapariña.

Birthday - When is Oriel En-Paleja (nee Kiria-Nena)’s birthday?

566 Asc.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Though an identical twin to Vamah, Oriel is the second-born of the two so she was not viable to inherit her mother's title. Since she was born in Soleád a day before Aurus received his distinctions, he and Yariel took this as a sign that she should follow in their academic footsteps while Vamah is trained to inherit Cas-Kiria. So far, they have not been proven wrong.

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