info Overview
Name - What is Eshaal Basha’s full name?

Eshaal Basha

Other names - What other aliases does Eshaal Basha go by?

  • Shal: nickname for Eshaal

Gender - What is Eshaal Basha’s gender?

female, afab, she/her

Age - How old is Eshaal Basha?


nfc Name
First Name History


Islamic origin! Means "flower from heaven" or "spiritual flower".

Last Name History


face Looks
Race - What is Eshaal Basha’s race?



Height - How tall is Eshaal Basha?

5'2" /

Small, but not extremely so. Shorter side of average, about average height for women in her family.

Weight - How much does Eshaal Basha weigh?

marginally overweight. not anything extremely noticeable, especially because of her loose clothes.

Skin Tone

Light brown, easily tans.

Body Type

short and fairly curvy. thin shoulders and

Face Shape

round with a pronounced chin.

Hair Color - What color is Eshaal Basha’s hair?

Dark, dark brown, almost black in color

Hair Style - How does Eshaal Basha style their hair?

She keeps it in a low, braided bun at the nape of her neck, but it's covered by her hijab.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Eshaal Basha have?



a little on the thicker side, naturally shaped. dark, dark brown


super round eyes, medium brown irises that look honey-gold in some lights. short, straight eyelashes.


A small, slightly pointed nose


thin lips and a wide smile, braces across the top row of her teeth.






stands tall, but loosely. she's always shifting around or bobbing to a song in her head

mood Personality
Description of Personality:

Eshaal is fun, loud and always willing to have a little fun. She loves playing a part in something bigger than her and building a sense of community with peers. She's always moving around and it's insanely difficult for her to actually sit still for once.

She's kind of dense and unobservant, not really able to read a room until it's too late. She says what's on her mind a lot, but it's never ill-natured. Most people who meet her say that she's really sweet and enjoyable to have around.


chaotic good

Flight, Fight, Freeze?



  • being alone

  • being told that she isn't good enough

  • disappointing directors/authority figures

  • not being able to do what she loves

How they would describe themselves: (3-words)

fun, super-cool, clearly the main character

How others would describe them: (3 words)

excitable, fun, loud

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Eshaal Basha most?

  • To not be bored.
    Being bored is the worst thing ever in Eshaal's book. When the theater department got shut down due to budget cuts, Eshaal realized she needed a different after-school activity to keep herself busy. With sports out of the question, Eshaal managed to overhear Vaughn and Selene talking about trying to solve some murders.

Flaws - What flaws does Eshaal Basha have?

  • can be over-the-top

  • doesn't really know when to stop being dramatic

  • a little overdramatic

  • her only real motivator is to keep herself busy and entertained

  • if something doesn't entertain her, she has absolutely no interest

  • can be a real die-hard for her beliefs

  • really really defensive when it comes to a few things

Talents - What talents does Eshaal Basha have?

  • Acting

  • Making herself cry on demand

Hobbies - What hobbies does Eshaal Basha have?

  • theater

  • making sets and props

  • watching musicals and cheesy sitcoms

  • embroidering

pan_tool Mannerisms
local_hotel Mannerisms 2
group Social

Islamic, born and raised

Opinion on Religion:

Eshaal loves her religion, and she's proud to be Muslim. She's quick to defend it and help dispute stereotypes. She tries her best to pray all five times a day, but it can be difficult with her small school. She usually finds time to do it before she goes to school, at lunch, after school, before dinner, and before she goes to bed. Due to their location in rural Oregon, her family doesn't have access to a Mosque, but they do have a small room in their house committed to worship.


student at Sleepy High

Favorite Food:

Anything her mom makes. Her mom is the best cook ever and she will die on that hill. Her favorite thing her mom makes are just simple grilled cheese sandwiches. She could eat a thousand of those

Favorite Color:

GREEN GREEN GREEN!! Any shade of green, but particularly a soft, pastel green. She's always loved the color and loves getting all of her clothes in that shade.

Favorite Animal:

She's a big fan of dogs, especially big goofy ones.

Favorite Weather:

Sunny spring afternoons with a cool breeze. Her allergies may hate it, but it's her favorite weather ever.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Eshaal Basha’s birthday?

May 20th


Sleepy, Oregon

Education - What is Eshaal Basha’s level of education?

Eshaal is a current sophomore at Sleepy High.

Current Residence

Lives in a single family two-story home in the suburbs of Sleepy, Oregon. She lives with her parents, older brother and large dog.

She lives in the same neighborhood as Tobias.

timeline Arc
filter_list Abilities/Powers
translate Voice
Description of Voice

very young, obvious for a teenager. she's able to project it very well and can manipulate it a little bit to sound like whatever role she's playing.


loud and very joyful laugh, full voice in it if that makes any sense?


Only speaks English and knows a few phrases in Arabic.

work Inventory

everyday wear (bottom to top):
- blocky white sneakers
- tall white socks
- wide-legged and loose khaki colored pants
- a loose pastel green turtleneck tucked into the pants
- a baggy light brown shirt over the top of the turtleneck that hangs loose and hits the top of her thighs
- a pastel green hijab wrapped around her head and neck

Contents of Backpack

  • a book or script

  • a few brightly colored pens with fun doohickeys on the tops of them

  • hand sanitizer

  • a doodle book

Weapons of choice

very much a non-violent person, but she does end up using inventions crafted by Selene and Millie to help fight off the Horrors.


She shares a small little burnt orange hatchback with her older brother. Eshaal does not know how to drive and she has no intention of learning how to, much to her brother's chagrin.

healing Medical
device_hub Family

Brother: Emir Baasha
Eshaal and Emir are very close. Emir is a senior at Sleepy High, just two years older than Eshaal. They've never really fought, Eshaal's energetic nature a perfect contrast to Emir's more down-to-earth personality.

directions_walk People
Best Friends:

Tobias Taylor
Eshaal meets Tobias when the two of them find themselves on the same mission. They both found Vaughn and Selene and practically inserted themselves into that small social circle. Eshaal and Tobias instantly hit it off, their dynamic like two golden retrievers always in the mood to goof around.

Millie Yang
Eshaal and Millie's friendship is very much "extrovert adopts introvert". While Eshaal was hesitant to befriend Millie at first, she eventually just bit the bullet and latched onto the other girl. Eshaal was the first person Millie confided in about being a lesbian, and Eshaal full-heartedly accepted her.


Vaughn Johansson Selene Jimenez

While Eshaal is fairly close to Vaughn and Selene, she isn't nearly as close to them as she is to the other two of the group. They're on really good terms and she loves hanging out with them.

Opinion on People:

She loves people so much, a true extrovert. Eshaal always wants to go do things and hang out and just be human with other humans. That's why theater is her favorite thing ever. A bunch of people get together with their different parts and put on something great.

favorite Love


Feelings Towards Love:

She really thinks it's super fun, but she's not quite ready yet. She's still sixteen and she has plenty of time to think about her future. Eshaal isn't interested in any of the guys at her school, which is completely understandable. She also wants to follow her parents' wishes and marry a Muslim boy.

Love Language:

Quality time and gifts!

Love Interest(s):


chat_bubble_outline Quotes
plus_one Other

soft greens and funky vibes. lots of frogs and animals in sunglasses and feel-good sayings.

Color Scheme

pastel greens and yellows, tans, whites, browns


smells like clean laundry and sometimes like paint

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends: link mentioned Eshaal Basha

This character was created by MJ on

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