info Overview
Name - What is Selene Jimenez’s full name?

Selene Jimenez

Role - What is Selene Jimenez’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Selene Jimenez go by?

  • Sel (by Vaughn, Tobias, and Eshaal)

  • Lena (by her Abuelo Marco)

  • Orange Chick (by most of the football/basketball team)

Gender - What is Selene Jimenez’s gender?

female, she/her, afab

Age - How old is Selene Jimenez?


nfc Name

Sel-een Ross-ah-lin Hih-meen-ez

First Name History


means "moon", Greek Origin

She was named after her late grandmother Selena.

Middle Name(s) History


means "rose", Spanish Origin

Last Name History


means "Gracious Hearkening", Spanish Origin

face Looks
Race - What is Selene Jimenez’s race?


100% Cuban

Height - How tall is Selene Jimenez?

5'1" / 154 cm

On the shorter side of average.

Weight - How much does Selene Jimenez weigh?

145 lbs / 65 kg

Definitely on the heavier side for her height, but not seriously overweight or anything.

Skin Tone

A darker tan, a light brown.

Body Type

Curvy, a little on the overweight side, but not by much.

Face Shape

Round face with a soft jaw

Hair Color - What color is Selene Jimenez’s hair?

Dark brown (not close to black but a good dark brown)

Hair Style - How does Selene Jimenez style their hair?

She keeps her hair fluffy around her head with some eyebrow-length bangs. Her hair hits about her shoulders and is naturally fairly wavy and fluffy.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Selene Jimenez have?



medium eyebrows, styled to be dark and thin, somewhat shaped


Round eyes that are dark, dark brown--almost black. She wears round wire glasses.


Shorter, flatter nose that's round


Full lips and a fairly small mouth. Straightish teeth, a few small imperfections in her teeth, but not enough to require braces.


stands fairly straight with tense shoulders

mood Personality
Description of Personality:

Selene is a fairly diligent individual. She's very committed to her independent studies and always just wants to know more. She's fascinated by the paranormal and unknown. All of her free time goes into her studies, she'd give just about anything to know all the answers.

Selene is fairly introverted, only really talking to those she's close with. She's sarcastic and often lightly bullies her friends. Because of her blunt nature, Selene often finds it difficult to make connections with people. That and most people don't care for her constant infodumping about aliens and ghosts when she finally opens up. Selene often just clams up around new people knowing her history with eye-rolls and annoyed grumbles.

She's also sentimental. She loves her family and her grandfather and their heritage, even though her dad tells her to hide it. She can be a proud individual, but she still gets embarrassed over what she loves.


True Neutral

Flight, Fight, Freeze?



  • never getting a shot

  • being denied opportunities because of her race

  • lightning

  • her loved ones forgetting and/or turning on her

  • finding out something she thought she knew was actually entirely different

How others would describe them: (3 words)

Odd, paranoid, orange

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Selene Jimenez most?

  • to discover the unknown (aliens and ghosts specifically)

  • to rid the town of the Horrors

  • to get a date with Lukas Eskarzaga

Talents - What talents does Selene Jimenez have?

  • schoolwork

  • analytical reading

  • cooking

Hobbies - What hobbies does Selene Jimenez have?

  • ghost-hunting

  • mapping alien sightings

  • collecting paranormal sighting newspaper clippings

  • building ghost-hunting gear

  • watching telenovelas and cooking with her grandfather

pan_tool Mannerisms
local_hotel Mannerisms 2
group Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Selene Jimenez’s birthday?

August 31st


Sleepy, Oregon

Education - What is Selene Jimenez’s level of education?

Junior at Sleepy High

Current Residence

A two-story house she shares with her parents, older brother, three younger siblings, and her grandfather. The house is old and run-down with out-of-date appliances, but it still works, so she's not complaining.

timeline Arc
filter_list Abilities/Powers
translate Voice

  • fluent English

  • speaks fluently in Cuban Spanish, but she can't write it

work Inventory

top to bottom:
- black ankle-high doc martens
- orange socks folded over the tops of it
- black stirrup pants
- baggy orange, white, and yellow argyle sweater
- oversized black denim jacket
- gold charm bracelet, gold rings
- thin gold necklaces
- wire frame round glasses

Contents of Backpack

  • notebooks for school

  • colored pens

  • textbooks

  • pumpkin spice granola bars

  • her special notebook for all her paranormal/supernatural activity notes


An old, beat-up orange pick-up truck.

healing Medical
device_hub Family

Abuelo Marco:

Selene loves her grandfather dearly. He can only speak Spanish, never learned a lick of English in his life and he thinks he's too old to try. She loves to sit on the couch with him and watch telenovelas or help him make Cuban tamales using her late Abuela's recipe. Marco is always trying to get her to see that her "ghost hunting" hobby isn't something she can make money off of. He just wants the best for her, he wants her to go off to college and get a good degree and earn the opportunities he immigrated over for.


Older Brother

Three Younger Siblings

directions_walk People
favorite Love

biromantic, bisexual

Love Interest(s):
chat_bubble_outline Quotes
plus_one Other

Orange ghosts, creepy houses, a beat-up pick-up truck, prep/goth clothes, round glasses, a map of Oregon with pins

Color Scheme

Orange, black, and whites. Very Halloweeny but in a good way.

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Best Friends: link mentioned Selene Jimenez

Character chevron_right Part One link mentioned Selene Jimenez

Character chevron_right Friends: link mentioned Selene Jimenez

This character was created by MJ on

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