info Overview
Name - What is Vaughn Johansson’s full name?

Vaughn Johansson

Role - What is Vaughn Johansson’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Vaughn Johansson go by?

  • VonJon (nickname affectionately given to him by Eshaal)

Gender - What is Vaughn Johansson’s gender?

male, he/him, amab

Age - How old is Vaughn Johansson?


nfc Name

Vv-ohnn Mi-khel Jo-han-sson

First Name History


means "small", Welsh origin

Middle Name(s) History


means "Who is like God?", Hebrew origin

Last Name History


means "son of Johan", Swedish origin

face Looks
Race - What is Vaughn Johansson’s race?


Northern European

Height - How tall is Vaughn Johansson?

6'0"/ 182cm

kind of on the taller side of average, tall for his build.

Weight - How much does Vaughn Johansson weigh?

155 lbs / 70.3 kg

underweight, kind of shrimpy.

Skin Tone

white with pink undertones, easy to flush

Body Type

very rectangular, flat, semi-broad shoulders.

imagine just taping sort of long limbs to a small refrigerator box and sticking a head on top of it. there is NO muscle on this lad.

Face Shape

long, kind of angular. visible cheekbones.

Hair Color - What color is Vaughn Johansson’s hair?

fair blonde, not quite platinum but lighter than a regular blonde

Hair Style - How does Vaughn Johansson style their hair?

keeps it about chin-length and shaggy, no real style to it.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vaughn Johansson have?



dark blond, fairly thick and unruly


round and downturned, slightly hooded. his irises are a dark blue that looks a stormy gray at times.


tall bridge, narrow and slightly hooked at the end.


thin lips, always pressed into the "polite cat" type expression. Fairly straight teeth with a few small gaps between some of them.


a decently sized burn scar on his right forearm. He got it as a kid when he was hungry and boiled water for some noodles but accidentally knocked the pot off the stove and all over his arm.




kind of slouched, sunk shoulders, dropped head

mood Personality
Description of Personality:

Vaughn has always been a loner and an outcast. At first, people thought that he was going to be super cool with his leather jacket and cigarettes, but Vaughn turned out to be prickly and abrasive, not hesitating to tell people to get lost. He enjoys his quiet time and doesn't like it when people infringe in his personal space.

Despite this, Vaughn can be a caring person for those he actually likes. His social circle is small (Selene was his only friend for five years), but he genuinely enjoys their company, even if he'll never verbalize it.

On the exterior, Vaughn is cold, cool and not somebody to mess with. He has some serious RBF. However, on the inside, Vaughn has thousands of burning questions about everything that he's determined to figure out. He's fairly intelligent, but he doesn't really try in school. If something doesn't interest him, he just doesn't try in the slightest.


Neutral Good

Flight, Fight, Freeze?



  • not knowing

  • being cornered/unable to get peace and quiet

  • losing someone else to the Horrors

How they would describe themselves: (3-words)

i dunno, tired

How others would describe them: (3 words)

quiet, cold, kind of a dick

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Vaughn Johansson most?

  • Find out what happened to Cecil Johansson.
    Cecil was Vaughn's father and was killed mysteriously at his workplace--a laboratory. The company couldn't tell Vaughn's family what happened to Cecil, so Vaughn was left to his own devices to decipher the clues left behind by his father all around Sleepy.

  • To get rid of the Horrors
    The Horrors have been plaguing Sleepy, Oregon, killing off some of Vaughn's classmates and even going as far as attempting to impersonate them. The Horrors are learning and Vaughn needs to get rid of them as soon as he can, or else the consequences could be dire.

Flaws - What flaws does Vaughn Johansson have?

  • abrasive

  • really bad social skills

  • blunt, can come off as an ass

  • serious addiction issues

  • has a really hard time asking for help

  • has a bad habit of smoking inside

pan_tool Mannerisms
local_hotel Mannerisms 2
group Social

Twice-a-year Christian

Opinion on Religion:

Doesn't really care all that much about religion. His parents were religious so he goes to church with them to church on Easter and Christmas, but that's about it.


High school student

Favorite Color:

Purple? Yeah, purple. It's just a solid color that Vaughn's always had an appreciation for.

Favorite Possession:

his sword. Yes, his actual sword. He got it for Christmas from his grandma and it's hung above his closet door.

Favorite Weather:

Just. Normal days. Where it's kind of partly cloudy, it could rain, it could not. It's kind of warm but not and there's a cold wind sometimes. Just regular spring days.

Favorite Location:

Sleepy is the only home he's ever known, so he guesses that Sleepy is his favorite town. He went off to Portland one day on a family trip, and he thought it was too crowded, but it was still neat.

His favorite specific place is the school library, where he eats his lunches with Selene.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Vaughn Johansson’s birthday?

February 1st


Sleepy, Oregon

Education - What is Vaughn Johansson’s level of education?

high-school junior at Sleepy High.

Background - What is Vaughn Johansson’s background?

Vaughn grew up relatively normal. He's lived in the Snoozin' Sloth Trailer Park with his mother, father, and grandmother for all of his life. He's had a few stray cats for pets but they never stay too long.

Overall, Vaughn had nothing of real significance throughout his childhood. Well, except when he was in middle school, he got with the wrong crowd and they got him hooked on cigarettes. He had enough of the right mind to separate himself from them and he met Selene shortly after. His life changed for the better, but he's still addicted to smoking. It's the 80s, nobody cares.

Current Residence

Lives in a small three-bedroom trailer house in a trailer park. He lives with his mother, grandmother, and two dogs.

timeline Arc
Role - What is Vaughn Johansson’s role in your story?


Character Growth


filter_list Abilities/Powers
translate Voice
Description of Voice

Very low, quiet and easy to miss. It's raspy until he coughs, then it's smooth until his next cigarette. Murmur-y, has a hard time speaking up and gets annoyed when people ask him to be louder.


A very low, wheezing sound that comes from the depths of his diaphragm.


Just English, but he knows a few phrases in Spanish thanks to Selene's occasional spontaneous classes

Speaking Patterns

  • coughs a lot

  • sighs in between long sentences

  • doesn't say "uh" or "um" and instead just stops his sentence abruptly and stares for a moment before resuming like he never left off

work Inventory

usual outfit (top to bottom):
- dark sunglasses with slightly indigo-y lenses that he wears even inside
- a baggy black leather jacket with two straps and buckles at the bottom hem of it
- a black wristband
- a wrinkled white t-shirt
- a leather belt with two chains off the left side of it
- semi-fitting black jeans
- ankle-length black socks
- dirty combat boots with purple laces

Contents of Backpack

  • a pencil

  • an old receipt

  • a few packs of cigarettes

  • a lighter

Weapons of choice

He doesn't really use weapons, instead choosing to run and get out of places. If he uses weapons, he'll use the ghostbusting weapons Selene and Millie made for the purpose of killing the Horrors.


he drives around an old clanker pick-up. it's dark gray, formerly black that's faded in the sun. his mom bought it for him for eighty bucks from a junkyard and he genuinely loves it.

healing Medical
Physical Disabilities

  • bad nicotine addiction

  • sleep issues, can't stay asleep for more than three hours at a time

  • hypersensitive eyes

Mental Disabilities

  • undiagnosed autism/add combo

Speed Level:


Strength Level:


Stamina Level:


Coordination Level:


5 Senses Level:

Touch: 4/10
Sight: 2/10
Smell: 3/10
Hearing: 9/10
Taste: 5/10

Memory Level:


Pain Tolerance:


device_hub Family

Father: Cecil Johansson

Vaughn had a very good relationship with his father. They were both quiet and liked to do their respective things, but they always did it in the same room and within a decent proximity of each other. Cecil and Vaughn had never had any serious fights or grievances with each other, the only real rift being that Vaughn wanted to know what Cecil was doing at his lab, but Cecil legally couldn't tell him.

When Cecil was killed under mysterious circumstances, Vaughn decided that he would stop at nothing to figure out what happened to him. Cecil knew that his death could be a possibility, so he left small clues about his work scattered around Sleepy in hopes that Vaughn would figure it out.

directions_walk People
Best Friends:

Selene Jimenez
Vaughn and Selene have been best friends since the seventh grade. They're incredibly close, platonic soulmates practically. They're always looking out for each other.

favorite Love


Feelings Towards Love:

Doesn't like it, doesn't think it's necessary. That's all there is to it. Vaughn just doesn't develop crushes or any sort of attraction.

Love Interest(s):


chat_bubble_outline Quotes
plus_one Other

leather jackets, swords, 80s vibes, cigarettes and sunglasses inside

Color Scheme

dark purple, black, and white


he smells like warm leather


  • swords

  • the rain

  • sitting in libraries reading really bad action novels

  • watching bad horror movies

  • physics and english class

  • sunglasses

  • the color purple

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Best Friends: link mentioned Vaughn Johansson

Character chevron_right Part One link mentioned Vaughn Johansson

Character chevron_right Friends: link mentioned Vaughn Johansson

This character was created by MJ on

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