info Overview
Name - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s full name?

Cassidina Rapney Morshe

Role - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s role in your story?

The Optimistic Protagonist

Other names - What other aliases does Cassidina Rapney Morshe go by?

Cassie, Cass, Cassidy

Gender - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s gender?

Cisgender Female (she/her)

Age - How old is Cassidina Rapney Morshe?



I don't know, as this is not my character, but I would have to guess that she's straight.


The Hero
Mom Friend

face Looks


Weight - How much does Cassidina Rapney Morshe weigh?

Cassidina is slightly less than average weight, at 112.2 lbs.

Height - How tall is Cassidina Rapney Morshe?

She's a bit shorter than average height at 62.5".


Cassie has cinnamon brown hair that goes slightly past her shoulders. It's a bit wavy and normally pulled back.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?



She has warm brown eyes, round and very curious, with long eyelashes. Her eyes are very expressive.

Race - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s race?

An Uncanny, subtype fire Elementalist

Skin Tone

Cassidina's skin is warm ivory colour with pinkish undertones that flushes easily. Across her nose and cheeks, she has barely visible, warm brown freckles.

Body Type

Cassie is an ectomorph and a bit thin since she doesn't always get enough food, a result of being less fortunate. She's generally a bit small for her age.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

Cass' most identifying feature would probably be in how expressive she is. The warm energy she has is different from most of the people around and she generally seems to have a more warm colour palette.


She smells faintly of cinnamon, woodsmoke, and flowers. It attributes a lot to her sweet aura, very calming. A lot of candles were harmed in the making of this scent, as she would often have them burning around her lighthouse home.


Cassie has a very soft voice, able to calm someone with ease. It has a sort of whispy, dreamy aspect as though she's not all there, rather off in her own world. When she is fully present though, her voice can get very emotional.


She prefers to wear hoodies and loose clothing.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

A lot of the things that Cassie says sound more like questions than statements. Over the years, she has developed a bit of anxiety towards expressing her opinions and feeling around other people. As a result, she mostly just goes along with what others say unless she's with Silver, whom she knows is even more awkward. She also tends to speak very quietly in larger, more social areas like she's avoiding attention being drawn to herself. Additionally, she uses a lot of buffer words.
She sighs a lot, especially when feeling especially emotional. She also laughs when nervous.
Cassidina has a few curious physical mannerisms. Much like an animal, she tilts her head to the side when curious. When deep in thought, she twirls strands of hair around her fingers. When deeply focused on something or generally vibing, she bobs her head along to some unknown beat. When she encounters something she doesn't like, her nose scrunches up.
As she tends to bite her lips while nervous, she has quite chapped lips. She stares into space a lot, not always paying a lot of attention. She also seems to avoid eye contact, which adds to the distracted aspect of her appearance.
She has a tendency to doodle absently in the corners of notebooks, little swirls and shapes and simple patterns. When talking, she moves her arms and hands very expressively. The movements become more erratic when she feels strongly. When standing still, she rocks back and forth on her heels, shifting from one foot to the other.


She wants to feel safe and accepted. A hopeless romantic, she dreams of obtaining a perfect life where she can be happy with her grandfather, her friends, all the people who are important to her.


What Cass needs is a more realistic worldview. Not everything will work out. She'll have to work to achieve things, and it may change the way she sees the world as well. She needs to understand that perfection isn't essential to her happiness. The world will always be a bit of a mess.

Flaws - What flaws does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

Minor Flaws
Cassie can be a bit awkward with people she's not very close with. She also often seems excessively innocent and slightly childish, frustrated and distracted easily. She can be meek as well, not a big fan of conflict.
Major Flaws
She's envious; everyone has lives that are so much better than hers. More money, more friends, everything she doesn't have. She can also be ignorant of the people around her and the situations they're in, unable to see what they may be struggling through. She can be overly idealistic, reaching for a future that she wants. Her expectations can hold her back.
Fatal Flaw(s)
Despite all her caring nature, Cassie is doubly neglectful and obsessive. When one thing is the centre of her world, she will covet it and keep it in top shape. When something else comes up and takes up her thoughts, though, she will completely disregard her previous obsession in order to do the same with the new thing. This happens with objects, people, and concepts.

Beliefs of Self

She believes that everything will work out for her in the end. She has high self-esteem, although she does believe she'll never be able to handle herself in social situations because of the world she lives in.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

Cassie is rather prejudiced against an early judgement and people who discriminate based on class, but she doesn't have it in her to hold too much hate for others.

Talents - What talents does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

Cassie is a talented speaker and artist, with a collection of sketchbooks displaying her drawing skills. She also has a bit of talent with singing, although it is not often showcased.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

She enjoys drawing and visiting old landmarks, delighting in the older buildings that can be found around the city.

Personality type - What personality type is Cassidina Rapney Morshe?

ENFJ, lawful good


Cassie, as a result of less-than-stellar living and treatment, suffers from anxiety. Despite this, though, she seems to be a never-ending source of optimism and happiness. Even if things make her skin crawl, she knows that she can push through. She has to.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Cassidina Rapney Morshe practice?


Politics - What politics does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?


Occupation - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s favorite color?

Cassie’s favourite colour is turquoise.

Favorite food - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s favorite food?

Cassidina is fond of banana bread.

Favorite possession - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s favorite possession?

Cassie’s most prized possession is likely the key to the lighthouse. The lighthouse has always been grounding to her, even when the storms unsettled her and it felt like her world was being unearthed. The lighthouse hardly counts as a possession though, so most prized is the key that allows her in.

Favorite weapon - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s favorite weapon?

Cassie is not a fan of violence at all.

Favorite animal - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s favorite animal?

Cassie is fond of dogs, finding their fluffy appearances and excitable attitudes adorable.

Job - What job does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s birthday?

14 June





Education - What is Cassidina Rapney Morshe’s level of education?

Cassie is 15 at the beginning of the plot and in 10th grade.


As someone born less fortunate, Cassie was always mistreated in school. As she'd barely been able to even afford to attend, she brings hefty books to school and always has to put a bit more effort into things, which has resulted in bullying from other students, mostly the ones with the most fortunate backgrounds. Therefore, despite her positive attitude, Cassie is not quick to trust. She's always hesitant to get close to people, afraid that they're going to turn against her the more they learn about her.


  1. Gain more understanding about how her actions affect those that care about her.

  2. Learn how to be more adaptive to sudden changes.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cassidina Rapney Morshe have?

Cassie has never had a pet before.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Cassie is not my character, but in fact my friend's.

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