info Overview
Name - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s full name?

Lorianna Rose Thompson

Role - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s role in your story?

One of the six MC

Other names - What other aliases does Lorianna Rose Thompson go by?

Loria, Lori

Gender - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s gender?


Age - How old is Lorianna Rose Thompson?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Lorianna Rose Thompson weigh?


Height - How tall is Lorianna Rose Thompson?


Hair Color - What color is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s hair?

naturaly platinum blonde

Hair Style - How does Lorianna Rose Thompson style their hair?

really long hair, straight

(classic length)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?


Eye Color - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s eye color?

beautiful blue

Race - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s race?


(born in England)

Skin Tone


Body Type

skinny, underweight, tall.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

Gentle, polite, quiet, mature, VERY protective.

Motivations - What motivates Lorianna Rose Thompson most?

-Protecting her loved ones/keeping them safe
-Help save people

Flaws - What flaws does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

-No confidence
-Cares about the way she looks too much
-Overthinks everything

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

That she is unloved, unworthy, and unwanted.

Talents - What talents does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

-Fast thinker

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

-Running\being active

Personality type - What personality type is Lorianna Rose Thompson?

In public:
-Quiet; unless spoken to

Alone (or with close family\friends) :
-Talks a lot
-Ignores people
-Sings songs at the tops of her lungs


PTSD (from a traumatic childhood)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lorianna Rose Thompson practice?

Didn't choose to be in a religion; live and let live :)

Politics - What politics does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

Neutral -until forced to fight with The New Republic of America in the MPT* after her parents died.

*Military Training Program

Occupation - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s occupation?

MPT (Military Training Program)

*Not paid

Favorite color - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s favorite food?

Creme Brûlée

Favorite possession - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s favorite possession?

A golden locket that her mother gave her as a child

Favorite weapon - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s favorite weapon?

trained to use any gun, but prefers a Glock 42 pistol.

Favorite animal - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s favorite animal?

Grew up with a Persian cat

Job - What job does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?

MTP (Military Training Program)

*Not paid

date_range History
Birthday - When is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s birthday?

April 28

Education - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s level of education?

Grew up with private tutors until she was seventeen, then she was forced into the MPT (Military Training Program) with a strict schedule, where they mandate daily classes (Math, science, social studies, health, English, weapons training)

and they offer extra lessons which are only mandatory if you don't know how to do them, then they will only be mandated until you pass after a year. (Swimming, health, cooking, art, engineering, piloting, weapons combat)

Background - What is Lorianna Rose Thompson’s background?

Rose gets married
Rose gave birth to Loria after Loria's father was killed by rebels, To salvage her new marriage Rose told Her new husband that Loria was his baby.

Richard introduces Rose to his nine-year-old son, Lucas. Rich and Rose quickly get married in hopes of finding comfort in one another (So they got married less for the sake of love and more for the sake of Both Rose and Rich are miserable but feel bonded over their shared trauma. Rose has anxiety and overthinks a ton; Shortly after their marriage, she discovers that she’s pregnant with her late husband’s child. She fears that Rich will feel betrayed and leave her if she finds out who Loria’s father is, and she’s partially right. Rich doesn’t find out until after Lucas dies, but when he does, he’s furious (again, keep in mind that anger is his emotional crutch) and now feels like his new wife doesn’t completely share his pain anymore, because her old love lives on through Loria. This pain is amplified because his son is now dead, and he takes it out on Loria. Rose endures all this crap quietly. She’s scared to death of being alone again and willing to suffer silently to avoid such a fate.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lorianna Rose Thompson have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Shilo on

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