info Overview
Name - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s full name?

Jackson Samuel Carwright

Role - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s role in your story?

One of the six MC

Other names - What other aliases does Jackson Samuel Carwright go by?


Gender - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s gender?


Age - How old is Jackson Samuel Carwright ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Jackson Samuel Carwright weigh?


Height - How tall is Jackson Samuel Carwright ?

6"3 1/2

Hair Color - What color is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s hair?

dark brown

Hair Style - How does Jackson Samuel Carwright style their hair?

fringe (male)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

grew up with a very strict outine/dress code which includes shaving daily.

Eye Color - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s race?


Skin Tone

warm beige

Body Type

Tall, slim, and rectangular.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

At the end of the book, Jack is known by a black mark on the right side of his neck resembling a lightning strike, and a white/gray flash through his left eye

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

Calm, caring, peaceful, quiet, funny.

Motivations - What motivates Jackson Samuel Carwright most?


Flaws - What flaws does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

-Fidgets constantly
-Has no self-confidence
-Stutters when nervous or stressed
-Can't handle stress
-Has no control over his emotions (all of them)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

thinks he isn't worthy of anything

Talents - What talents does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

-Good cook
-Great with kids
-He listens and cares
-Has great focus (almost to a fault)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

-Anything that requires time and focus (Crafts, puzzles, games, reading, writing, etc.)

Personality type - What personality type is Jackson Samuel Carwright ?

In public:
-Has social anxiety; so he doesn't really engage in any conversation
-Fidgets (bounces his leg, clenches his fists, scratches the back of his neck, bites his lip, ruffles his hair, etc.)
-Gets lost in thought
-distracted easily

Alone (or with close friends and family) :
-Talks to himself
-Reads aloud to himself
-Goofs off


Diagnosed with mild autism at birth (futuristic world)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jackson Samuel Carwright practice?

Doesn't have a religion; his training base doesn't offer any church services.

Politics - What politics does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

Fights for The New Republic of America.

Occupation - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s occupation?

Serves his country in MTP (Military Training Program)

Favorite color - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s favorite color?

Beautiful blue

Favorite food - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s favorite food?

loves all food

Favorite possession - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s favorite possession?

A torn-up jacket that was given to him on his eighteenth birthday.

Favorite weapon - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s favorite weapon?

doesn't have one, but trained to use any gun

Favorite animal - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

MTP (Military Training Program)

date_range History
Birthday - When is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s birthday?

August 13th

Education - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s level of education?

He was raised in an MTP base; where they mandate daily classes (Math, science, social studies, health, English, weapons training)

and they offer extra lessons which are only mandatory if you don't know how to do them, then they will only be mandated until you pass after a year. (Swimming, health, cooking, art, engineering, piloting, weapons combat)

Background - What is Jackson Samuel Carwright ’s background?

His parents had him while they were both seventeen, his dad left, and the mom gave him up after learning he had autism.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jackson Samuel Carwright have?

No pets

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Shilo on

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