info Overview
Name - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s full name?

Lucas Richard Thompson

Role - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s role in your story?

Background Character

Other names - What other aliases does Lucas Richard Thompson go by?

Luca, Luc.

Gender - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s gender?


Age - How old is Lucas Richard Thompson?

died when he was twenty-three

face Looks
Height - How tall is Lucas Richard Thompson?

6"2 (At twenty-three)

Hair Color - What color is Lucas Richard Thompson’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Lucas Richard Thompson style their hair?

Short and messy

Eye Color - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s eye color?

Light blue

Race - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

tall and lanky and built enough to carry his own weight

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lucas Richard Thompson have?

Calm and kind will go out of his way to help a stranger and radiates happiness. would be a stoic and fair leader.

Motivations - What motivates Lucas Richard Thompson most?

Loria, his sister, and helping the world become a better place.

Flaws - What flaws does Lucas Richard Thompson have?

Cares more about others than he does himself, he's very empathic -which makes it hard for him to know if he's doing the right thing, he can get pretty hard on himself and is frustrated if he can't do something right. he hates to see anyone abused, and will hold a mean grudge if you hurt someone he cares about.

Talents - What talents does Lucas Richard Thompson have?

Honest, kind, loving, mature, graceful, humble.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lucas Richard Thompson have?

He loves swimming and being active -especially outside activities.

Personality type - What personality type is Lucas Richard Thompson?

Like the sun threw up a piece of sunshine and it grew arms and legs.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lucas Richard Thompson practice?

Believes in an afterlife and that something is out there.

Politics - What politics does Lucas Richard Thompson have?

Fought for the New Republic.

Occupation - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s occupation?

Fought for the New Republic.

Favorite color - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s favorite color?

Any shade of green

Favorite food - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s favorite food?

Fresh fruit.

Favorite animal - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Lucas Richard Thompson have?

Fought for the New Republic.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Lucas Richard Thompson’s birthday?

November 30

Education - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s level of education?

Had many private Tutors.

Background - What is Lucas Richard Thompson’s background?

His mother died a week after giving birth to his brother, (who didn't live an hour after birth) his father was heartbroken and seeking a companion to grieve with, he married Rose, a beautiful young widow who lost her late husband to a rebel invasion. Richard (Lucas's father) and Rose were best friends growing up, but they drifted apart as they got older -they grew out of touch. They both got married very happily to different people before they had a life together. Richard marries Rose when Lucas is nine years old, Lucas gets along great with rose and they form an incredible bond. When Lucas is ten Rose has a baby girl and names her Loria. Lucas immediately swore to protect Loria until his death. They were inseparable, and each other's best friends. When Lucas was sixteen he prepared to join the New Republic, desperate to help stop the war and end the suffering. His parents were appalled to see him go, but they both wanted him to have the best chance of survival, so he was trained and mentored by the best teachers money could buy. He taught Loria the things he was taught and prepared her to take care of herself while he was gone. Ten months after he joined the new Republic. His mutilated body was sent back to England. He died saving two children from a bombed house.

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