info Overview
Name - What is Perseus Daniels’s full name?

Perseus Daniels

Role - What is Perseus Daniels’s role in your story?

The Cynic

Other names - What other aliases does Perseus Daniels go by?


Gender - What is Perseus Daniels’s gender?


Age - How old is Perseus Daniels?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Perseus Daniels weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Perseus Daniels?


Hair Color - What color is Perseus Daniels’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Perseus Daniels style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Perseus Daniels have?

Light stubble

Eye Color - What is Perseus Daniels’s eye color?

Champagne brown

Race - What is Perseus Daniels’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Perseus Daniels most?

*His Great Uncle Ted's death in 1965

Flaws - What flaws does Perseus Daniels have?

*Has a hard time letting go of grudges

Prejudices - What prejudices does Perseus Daniels have?

*William, who he believes murdered his great uncle in 1965 (even though it was actually involuntary manslaughter)
*Anyone who's related to William, which includes Raven - who he's jealous of because she and Chrissy get the job of trying to find and return The Sacred Spellbook of the La Magie (which William stole)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Perseus Daniels practice?


Occupation - What is Perseus Daniels’s occupation?

Hunting and Foraging

Job - What job does Perseus Daniels have?

Hunting and Foraging

date_range History
Birthday - When is Perseus Daniels’s birthday?

January 6, 1998

Background - What is Perseus Daniels’s background?

*His Great Uncle Ted was killed by William Griffin (Raven's grandfather), leading to a rivalry between their families

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Perseus Daniels appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Children link linked Perseus Daniels

Location chevron_right Current Citizens link linked Perseus Daniels

Scene chevron_right Characters in scene link linked Perseus Daniels

Scene chevron_right Description link mentioned Perseus Daniels

Group chevron_right Members link linked Perseus Daniels

Lore chevron_right Believers link linked Perseus Daniels

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Perseus Daniels

This character was created by Ren Moulaison on

See more from Ren Moulaison
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