Esme Rivers
Side Character, Crystal Psychic
The Exquisite Esme is her 'stage name'; what she uses for predicting and divining.
Esme is 74 years old.
140.7 pounds
She is short, at only 4' 9''
She has stark-white hair with black tips for effect.
Long hair, wavy
Her eyes are Milky Brown
Human, but she's a Crystal Psychic
Moderate brown
Esme is a frail lady who regularly scams people by divining their fates for a steep price.
She has a mark on her left hand; the insignia of the Crystal Psychics. Unlike Knox, she doesn't cover it up.
Esme is mild-mannered - unless you catch her when she's divining. Then she gets very angry and may predict a gruesome fate for you. And to prove how NICE she is, it's free of cost.
yeesh lady yeesh
Her greed for money and business, as well as her hate of Knox.
She hates Knox. If that's not a flaw, I dunno what is! I mean, it's KNOX we're talking about!
She hates all Astral Psychics in general, but Knox especially. She wanted a fellow Crystal to help continue her scamming work, but instead Knox manifested as an Astral.
She hates them all now.
She's only good at two things; hating Knox and using her crystal ball. Even though she mostly uses it to scam people, she can still actually predict.
She regularly consults her ball, and often emerges shaken and spent.
Guess future-telling isn't for everyone, huh?
She, like Knox, is prone to seizures while predicting.
None. She is very strict on this subject.
This character was created by dennywrites on
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Bloodred. No doubt.