info Overview
Name - What is Esme Rivers’s full name?

Esme Rivers

Role - What is Esme Rivers’s role in your story?

Side Character, Crystal Psychic

Other names - What other aliases does Esme Rivers go by?

The Exquisite Esme is her 'stage name'; what she uses for predicting and divining.

Gender - What is Esme Rivers’s gender?


Age - How old is Esme Rivers?

Esme is 74 years old.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Esme Rivers weigh?

140.7 pounds

Height - How tall is Esme Rivers?

She is short, at only 4' 9''

Hair Color - What color is Esme Rivers’s hair?

She has stark-white hair with black tips for effect.

Hair Style - How does Esme Rivers style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Eye Color - What is Esme Rivers’s eye color?

Her eyes are Milky Brown

Race - What is Esme Rivers’s race?

Human, but she's a Crystal Psychic

Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type

Esme is a frail lady who regularly scams people by divining their fates for a steep price.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Esme Rivers have?

She has a mark on her left hand; the insignia of the Crystal Psychics. Unlike Knox, she doesn't cover it up.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Esme Rivers have?

Esme is mild-mannered - unless you catch her when she's divining. Then she gets very angry and may predict a gruesome fate for you. And to prove how NICE she is, it's free of cost.

yeesh lady yeesh

Motivations - What motivates Esme Rivers most?

Her greed for money and business, as well as her hate of Knox.

Flaws - What flaws does Esme Rivers have?

She hates Knox. If that's not a flaw, I dunno what is! I mean, it's KNOX we're talking about!

Prejudices - What prejudices does Esme Rivers have?

She hates all Astral Psychics in general, but Knox especially. She wanted a fellow Crystal to help continue her scamming work, but instead Knox manifested as an Astral.

She hates them all now.

Talents - What talents does Esme Rivers have?

She's only good at two things; hating Knox and using her crystal ball. Even though she mostly uses it to scam people, she can still actually predict.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Esme Rivers have?

She regularly consults her ball, and often emerges shaken and spent.

Guess future-telling isn't for everyone, huh?


She, like Knox, is prone to seizures while predicting.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Esme Rivers’s favorite color?

Bloodred. No doubt.

date_range History
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Esme Rivers have?

None. She is very strict on this subject.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
edit_location Spirits / Ghosts Known
format_quote Quotes
wc Relationships
equalizer Backstory
account_circle Quirk
all_out Onion-ness
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Esme Rivers

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