info Overview
Name - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s full name?

Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan

Role - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s role in your story?

Antagonist/Mad Scientist

Other names - What other aliases does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan go by?

Doc. V, Doctor Morgan, Vay

Gender - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s gender?

Trans MtF (Female, biologically male)

Age - How old is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan?

82 (due to her abilities she does not physically age)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan weigh?


Height - How tall is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan?


Hair Color - What color is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?


Eye Color - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s eye color?

One brown, one blue

Race - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s race?

Nigerian (Mother) and Hawaiian (Father)

Skin Tone

Light brown

Body Type

Large, not completely toned, and strong

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

A long scar from the tip of her spine to right above her lower back.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

Focused, goal-oriented, ruthless

Motivations - What motivates Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan most?

Furthering science for the good and protection of the world, no matter what the cost.

Flaws - What flaws does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

Ruthless. Doesn't value individual lives, only values the whole. Apathetic to others' emotions.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

Thinks they know better than most, thinks college students/under are idiots because they haven't had her training.

Talents - What talents does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

Extremely smart, cannot age.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

Painting landscapes

Personality type - What personality type is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan?


Magical abilities


Augmented DNA Injection She is one of the first successful transfers, but due to a bad dosage level, her body responded wrong.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan practice?


Occupation - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s occupation?
Favorite color - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s favorite food?

Classic Nigerian meals

Favorite possession - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s favorite possession?

Her all blue eye

Favorite weapon - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s favorite weapon?

Stun gun

Favorite animal - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s favorite animal?

Albino animals

Job - What job does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?


date_range History
Education - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s level of education?

Two master's degrees, four bachelor's and two doctorates.

Background - What is Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan’s background?

She grew up in a loving family, a Nigerian mother, and a Hawaiian father. She grew up in Hawaii with an amazing community, good friends, and an abundance of love. However, when she turned 17 she realized she was transgender, biologically male but mentally female. Her parents continued to love her through it, but they moved due to community acceptance problems to Los Angeles. Her life continued to blossom for her, she went to college, she exceeded expectations, she climbed the social ladder until she found STIGMA (Scientific and Technological Improvements, Growth, Modification, and Augmentation). She climbed that ladder too, which ended her connection with her friends/family. The STIGMA group had her as an experiment and it worked.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan have?

A tortoise named Edith who is 49 years old.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan

Magic chevron_right Known Masters link linked Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan

Deity chevron_right Rituals link mentioned Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan

Deity chevron_right Human Interaction link mentioned Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan

This character was created by Chesca Lynn on

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