info Overview
Name - What is Venus Jaegar’s full name?

Venus Jaegar

Other names - What other aliases does Venus Jaegar go by?

Freya, Alphala

Gender - What is Venus Jaegar’s gender?


Age - How old is Venus Jaegar?




Role - What is Venus Jaegar’s role in your story?

An undead demon with a torturous background, she hopes to keep fighting to survive in her new world

face Looks
Race - What is Venus Jaegar’s race?

German / Demon

Height - How tall is Venus Jaegar?


Hair Color - What color is Venus Jaegar’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Venus Jaegar style their hair?

Very messy bob

Eye Color - What is Venus Jaegar’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Venus Jaegar have?

Orbs of energy in her horns, hellic facial tattoos

fingerprint Nature
info History
Birthday - When is Venus Jaegar’s birthday?

April 2

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history Changelog
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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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