info Overview
Name - What is Ringo Atlas’s full name?

Ringo Atlas

Other names - What other aliases does Ringo Atlas go by?

Jason, Alphale

Age - How old is Ringo Atlas?




Role - What is Ringo Atlas’s role in your story?

An undead monster who escaped from Hell, hoping to one day restore his humanity.

face Looks
Race - What is Ringo Atlas’s race?

Romanian / African / Demon

Height - How tall is Ringo Atlas?


Hair Color - What color is Ringo Atlas’s hair?

Darkest blue

Hair Style - How does Ringo Atlas style their hair?

Long, wavy, messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ringo Atlas have?


Eye Color - What is Ringo Atlas’s eye color?

Dark red

Body Type

Muscular and strong, bara...

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ringo Atlas have?

Scar across nose, underbite fangs, long black horns

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Ringo Atlas’s occupation?


Job - What job does Ringo Atlas have?

Hired killer / Taking care of his sister

Favorite animal - What is Ringo Atlas’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Ringo Atlas’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Ringo Atlas’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Ringo Atlas’s favorite possession?

His dark grey leather jacket

Favorite weapon - What is Ringo Atlas’s favorite weapon?

Axes / Fists

info History
Birthday - When is Ringo Atlas’s birthday?

October 30

Background - What is Ringo Atlas’s background?

Born in the late 1800s in of the time rural Romania, Ringo was a stubborn child with severe anger issues and an attitude problem. He outcasted himself from most people and never had any friends his age, that is...until his younger sister was born. She became his everything and did whatever he could to take care of her, although she seemed to care for him even more. Their parents both suddenly died of a peculiar illness, leaving their closest relative to take them in; that being their uncle. Their uncle was not a bad man at all, but had difficulty raising them and Ringo did not get along with him in the slightest. His anger issues got worse and worse as he aged.
One evening, Ringo had had enough. Pulling Lucia out into the dark woods, he had planned to run away from home with her and never come back. But only being 16 years old, it was clear he hadn't thought the idea through enough. They became lost and the night was freezing, slowly effecting them. Lucia, who was only 10 years old at the time, was already born quite weak, and her health was degenerating quickly. They lay under a tree in one another's arms in fear of the darkness and cold. The following morning, they were dead.
However, Ringo awoke in a new dark world. It was no longer cold, but burning hot and full of death. He was in Hell, and was approached directly by it's dark lord Himself. Lucifer had chosen him to be reborn as his strongest warrior, the Alphale. He was planning to raise a powerful army to be led by a male and female alpha demon to take control of the other realms, including Earth. Ringo, with no recollection or memories of his past life, accepted the role and became one of the most powerful creatures of Hell, being right under Lucifer himself. He eventually met his female counterpart (The Alphala), who would come to be known as Venus later on in life, and learned she would become his "betrothed", and Lucifer was planning to breed them to create an army so unstoppable nothing could stand in their way.
Ringo eventually met Van, another reborn demon, and then soon enough...Lucia. They did not remember one another, but felt some strange bond keeping them together. Ringo soon felt that what they were doing was wrong for Lucifer, and became the leader of what would be known as the Black Rebellion. The Black Rebellion was Ringo and his small group of defectors challenging Lucifer and his ideals. It was insane, for no one expected both the Alphas to rebel against himself. A giant bloody war ensued and despite the incredible strength on Ringo's side, Lucifer was too powerful. Ringo and his closest friends made a harrowing escape from Hell, the only way to get away from the madness. However, their was some accident, separating Ringo and his friends from one another and yet again, many of their memories were wiped.
Ringo awoke in modern day America somewhere in Nevada. He hid and lived in the wilderness, eventually wandering into civilization and finding Las Vegas. He attracted many people, mostly interested women. He did what he knew how to do: murder and pleasure.
He escaped and went into hiding again, finding a vacant cave in Wyoming and living off the game and river nearby. He was very feral, and humans who managed to survive exploring near his cave created urban legends of the "Devil of the Caves".
He eventually wandered into civilization again, letting out his anger in fight clubs, and grabbed the attention of Klaus: a peculiar cloaked man who gave him the opportunity to kill for money. Innocent people were dying...and Klaus wanted Ringo, the strongest fighter he'd even seen, to help him. Ringo accepted and soon enough, you could call him rich. However, he remained in his cave until a mysterious and curiois woman named Robin came across his home...

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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