He gently takes her hand. "I am so, so sorry… I-" He flinches at the pain, but bears it. "I'm so sorry, Mar."
He gently takes her hand. "I am so, so sorry… I-" He flinches at the pain, but bears it. "I'm so sorry, Mar."
"So am I, but…neither of us knew, and…" Mar swallowed. "I'm so sorry. I hope you know I'd never do this to you if I knew it was you? I am so, so, so sorry." She hangs her head, wings drooping.
He smiles softly. "N-no need to worry, Marlene." he says gently, reaching up to stroke her cheek. "I'd never do it either."
"Oh god. This is…some nightmare. You're a Reaper. Oh. My god."
He chuckles, "And you're an angel." He gently pulls her down, "I-I'm sorry." He says softly, gently kissing her. His hand goes limp. His body being enveloped by shadows.
The light, or what's left of it after she was blackened, spreads from around Marlene's body to Antione's. When it transfers back, Antione is left barely alive. The angel part of Marlene saved him from certain death.
Antoine's breathing is shallow and low, his eyes slowly fluttering open. He groans weakly.
"Come on. Come on. Come -" Marlene sighs, and gets to her knees next to him. Placing her hands around his chin, she begins to sing. It's a very pretty song, and Marlene has a pretty voice. She doesn't know if it will work on Reapers, but it's worth a shot.
He smiles softly, listening to her song. He started to feel a bit stronger. He quickly leans up and kisses her, laughing softly.
Marlene smiled down at him. "It worked! Come, we have to get you to the dorms. Now."
"Yeah, alright." He says softly, slowly standing. He stumbles a little. "I-I'm okay." He says, still trying to regain feeling in his legs.
"No, you're not." Marlene picks him up and begins to fly. It's harder with the extra weight, not to mention sore wing. But she makes it, tumbling into the window and dumping him onto the floor. "Sorry."
He winces, "It's fine…" He looks up at her, smiling a little as he hauls himself onto the couch.
"Do you need anything? Change the outfit." She instructs, feeling his forehead and chin for cuts.
He nods, snapping his fingers so he was in his normal clothes. "I really am fine." he says gently, taking her hand.
"Hmmm. It was just the shadows, then. Alright." She ducks into the bathroom and comes out in normal clothes again, but with her wings still unfolded. "I guess I can have these out in front of you now."
He nods, smiling a little. "Yeah." He leans his head back. "we're enemies… Fighting against each other…" He still couldn't grasp it.
"How will we decide who to keep alive and who to let go now?" Marlene asked, kneeling next to the couch.
He hums in thought. "Coin toss?"
Marlene shrugs. "How about every other time?"
He nods. "That works. Now… I have a small question." He pulls her to him.
"What?" The tips of her wings brush against his face and neck.
He smiles. "Am I allowed to do this?" He pulls her close, kissing her gently.
Mar returns it, and it first to pull away. "You've already done it twice, so…yes." She smiled.
He chuckles. "To be honest I was dying and it was on impulse."
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