forum The Next Generation
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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Brink rolled his eyes "goldfish, I don't do drugs, not that I need them to have the same effects, and don't drink so obviously, Goldfish,"


Brink glanced up and took the goldfish, storing them in a cabinet above him and crossing his arms over his chest, silently watching


Brink tilted his head sharply to the left the straightened "it's fine. I can't be in the same room as rubbing alcohol or needles for long." He lied, brushing past Vanessa and heading down the hall


Brink had disapeared down a dark corridor, searching for a cafeteria or food storage place. "There has to be more than pizza goldfish in this place…"


He gritted his teeth in effort and massaged his temple before relaxing and opening his eyes to look at her "I'm fine." He shrugged her hand off his shoulder and continued walking down the hallway