forum The Next Generation
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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Brink slumped into the chair and watched as Jay addressed Vanessas wound. He started muttering random words to pass the time "blind, wind, time, short, not enough, too much, good thing, bad person, problems, solutions, Chaos."


He tilted his head back and laughed, shutting his eyes closed right like he did at the asylum "I couldn't be better!"

@Knight-Shives group

Jay walked over to Brink and slapped him across the face. "Alright. Both of you need to mellow down. Also both of you need to work out your problems while I go find some stuff." He said then walked out of the room.


He shook his head and sighed "ow Jay, been holding g that one in for a while now?" Brink laughed as Jay walked out. He glanced at Vamessa and frowned, not saying a word


Brink cracked a humorless grin "where did that come from kitty cat? I haven't said a word against you and youcome out with this lovely confession."