forum The Circus (sort of reboot) [Closed]
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

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"Enhance our abilities? Please…. We don't need enhancement, what we need is to find them." She dried her tears that she only now realized had been falling and stood "Do you know where he keeps them?"

Tam shook his head. "All I know is that it's this building, but another floor. I'd guess underground."
He was terrified at Wila's sudden resolve, but she was right. There was no burying his head in the sand now.
(we should just wait for Illy)


Just a quick run through of the current situation doesn't get confusing!
Two parallel plot lines-

  1. Tam, Wila, Beaux at the Circus, planning to escape and find Aza and Harrow's labs.
  2. Aza, Harrow, Westan, Finn. Two kids (Finn, Westan) that are being experimented on and are just trying to survive. Until Aza gets there and there's hope!


Beaux woke up to the sun on her face. This is some of best sleep shes ever had. Standing she stretched to loosen up and then walked inside. "Hello, anyone awake?"


"Yes, who else would I be?" She turned a corner and Saw Tam and Willa. "Shouldn't you be in practice?" It was late and she knew she was going to get in trouble for being late.


Aza blinked, the electricity sending a little jolt down her spine. What Harrow didn't know was the gloves were on, reversing the electrical poles, dulling the pain. She cried out, just to give Harrow a little satisfaction.


Wila jumped a bit at their new arrival "ah yes, we should. How late are we?" She ask, trying to find an excuse


Aza blinked, the electricity sending a little jolt down her spine. What Harrow didn't know was the gloves were on, reversing the electrical poles, dulling the pain. She cried out, just to give Harrow a little satisfaction.

Harrow studied Aza a moment. Pulling out a thin steel card, he swiped a slot by the door and it popped open with a quiet hiss.
He walked into the cell, sliding the card back into a zipped pocket inside the lab coat he wore.
He approached the cot, keeping his face expressionless.


Wila jumped a bit at their new arrival "ah yes, we should. How late are we?" She ask, trying to find an excuse

Tam looked over at Wila— it didn't seem like she had the intention to tell Beaux what they knew.
"You're right, let's get going," he advised.
He walked out of the room first.


Westan sat in a cell, his knees curled up to his chest. He cried softly, singing too. His brown hair was stringy and mousy, his eyes shining dully with tears. His voice sounded husky, which most women would have found unduly attractive, but it caused him pain. His once beautiful voice was now reduced to a shell of what it once was.

Curled up on the opposite side of the cell, Finn was caught between being asleep or awake. Westan's quiet singing was familiar and all he had for comfort.
"Are you okay?" he breathed, knowing full well how useless the question was.


"Right." Finn crawled over to Westan, squinting through the dark. "Can I do anything?" he asked quietly, sitting at arm's length from Westan, cross-legged.


Finn blushed and smiled. "Who cares if it is?" He scooted closer to Westan and wrapped his arms tightly around his cellmate. Though they'd been stuck in the cell for a good week, there was a certain underlying sweetness to Westan's smell, distinguishable through the constant reek of sweat and blood. He didn't let go before a handful of seconds, savouring the one human connection he could have in this place.


Beaux had a gut feeling something was going on, but decided to play along and act clueless. "Where is everyone else?" Beaux skipped up next to the others and asked in a sing some voice. "Are we the only performers tonight?"


Tam nodded. "I believe so." He led the way to the training room where Naomi was waiting, sat in the middle of the floor. She looked up when the three entered, and stood up.


Wila frowned, hating to lie to her friend but didn't feel like spreading around the terrible news until she had a concrete plan on what to do. For now, all she could do was the only positive thing that Harrow evert aught them, keep up a good act, so good that no one will question who you're not.


Naomi beckoned to the three and had them line up in front of her. "You're late," she said coolly, staring pointedly at Wila.
Tam spoke up. "I overslept, it's my fault," he said swiftly.


She silently thanked Tam with a nod "sorry ma'am…something came up in the forest and the trees spoke of weirdness roaming the earth. Do you know how freaking hard to get them to shut up?" She rambled hoping this would mask her worriedness "They just won't shush! and don't even get me started with the plants! ugh little psky things!