forum The Circus (sort of reboot) [Closed]
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

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Beaux then looked around at the others. All she had done today was ea, jog then came straight here. She hadn't seen Aza since this morning. Has anybody really see her since this morning. Beaux that Aza was a bit strange, but never really talked to her much.


Naomi rolled her eyes and pointed at Wila. "You, are not going anywhere. Head to…" her steel-tinted gaze swept the room, "weights. Yes, weights. Off you go," she said with a dismissive wave."
She turned her gaze on Beaux. "You may go to the hoops, practice your planche," she recommended, adding lightly ",pretty please".
Tam was already retreating towards the supply closet, preparing to fix the rope he'd 'broken'.


Beaux raised an eyebrow. Pretty please? She couldn't tell if Naomi liked her or not. But it didn't matter. She shrugged and just walked off to practice. Although she was practicing she made sure to keep an eye on everyone else.


Tam, ropes in arm, carefully proceeded to climb the ladders to the rope rings. He'd have to find a piece long enough to carry to the other end of the room, then cut it just long enough to hold taut with him on it.
Once Naomi was satisfied with everyone doing what they were supposed to, she left the training room to find out where Aza had been put.


"I might just throw one of these things." She said, lifting the weights, gradually growing in heaviness as she went along "first one's going to her head." She muttered


Beaux laughed. Willa was strong and she didn't put past her. Plus it would just be funny to watch. "Hey I've been practicing knife throwing. Anyone want to see?" Knife throwing had always been one of her dreams, but being flexible meant she had a different job. And she wasn't the best at aim. But with practicing in secret she has gotten better.


Wila dropped her weights and walked over "I wanna see, it beats weight lifting." She said with a smile


Tam looped the rope around and had climbed down from the ladder. "Think you could get one of those knives through that rope loop?" he asked hopefully, still limping.


Beaux bonded on the balls on her feet. Running over to the shed, she grabbed a target, which wa heavier than she thought. She set it against the wall and grabbed two knives. At fist she just played with them to get the feel of it. Pitting the first one between her fingers it only took a few seconds for her to throw. It misses the bulls eye, but it was close. Next one also missed and was a bit further away. But she was proud of herself.


Naomi unlocked the door and it swung open. "That's better, isn't it?" she said kindly. "Follow, we're all training," she explained, already heading back to the training room.


The two women got to the training room a few minutes later to Beaux throwing knives for Wila's entertainment.
Naomi, who's face had fallen, stopped Aza from walking any further into the room.
"HEY," she boomed.


"well shit, we were just getting to the good part." Wila sighed, heading back over to the weights with a half smile


Beaux turned around. No emotion showed on her face. "And I was going to let you try." They got caught, which she was hoping they didn't. "Yes?" Beaux smiled and put her hands behind her back dropping the rest of the knives.


"No need to act all sweet and innocent, Beaux," Naomi assured with a casual elbow-punch to Beaux's stomach.
"Aza, please go practice your choreography," she asked calmly. "Curtain is in two hours now, please be ready!"


WIla dropped her weights and ran over to help Beaux, "really?! if she's hurt, she can't perform! A broken rid is not helpful right now!" she chastised Naomi, walking away with Beaux before she could say or do something else.


"I'm fine." That would leave a bruise later. She took her last knife and threw it at the target, this time hitting the bulls eye. Then she walked over to the mat to practice more. She had been her before everyone else, so she didn't see why she needed to practice any more.


The hour passed by in a moment. What seemed like 10 minutes later Naomi was ushering everyone out of the training room to go and get changed.
"Let's get to it, kids, we've got a crowd tonight!"
Once all 5 of them were in the room, she handed out costumes.
"Off you go!"