forum Superhero RP Anyone?
Started by @Noitanigami

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(She has wings but they're still injured from her last fight so that's why she's leaping rooftop to rooftop.)

Deleted user

Hunter followed Firefly, using the sound of her landing and whooshing through the air.


Marya looked up. Superheroes. She'd always liked superheroes. They fought for a good cause, to keep people safe and they were honorable.


(Guys I just started drawing. I have no idea why, but now I have a face that actually looks good! I mean I have like, very poor drawing skills. But I just drew a really good picture of an elven face and my dad(who is an artist) just stared at in in shock for a few seconds. and then he said, "This is REALLY good!" It was hilarious.)


(Guys I just started drawing. I have no idea why, but now I have a face that actually looks good! I mean I have like, very poor drawing skills. But I just drew a really good picture of an elven face and my dad(who is an artist) just stared at in in shock for a few seconds. and then he said, "This is REALLY good!" It was hilarious.)



On the streets below, a rather large-looking.. husky? Maybe— was darting through the crowd at high speed, frightening many people. Its tail was tucked firmly between its legs, while it was being chased by animal control.
Well, he didn't think himself a wild animal needing control. It's not like Gabriel intended to irk anybody. Now it was just a matter of remembering how the heck to shift back to a human, again, without irking anybody.
So sensitive, really, Gabriel decided as he quickly dodged a flock of high-heeled legs.


Amaya was sat on a rock near the waters edge, watching the waves crashing against the sand, and rolling a small pebble in her hands. She heard the sound of people shouting - about a dog?
"Oh, of course. Animal control." She said, sighing.


Gabriel streaked towards the beach. He didn't have many other options other than to shirk capture by swimming; and he felt a rush of relief when his paws shot plumes of sand behind every stride.


Amaya heard a noise - sounding like someone running across the sand. She turned to see what was going on, and saw a large dog running at full pelt towards the sea.
"What the…" She attempted to say, before realising that the dog was being chased by some rather angry men.
"Of course. Animal control." She said, whilst standing up and staring.


The large canine flung itself into the water, and began swimming furiously as far from animal control as the poor thing could muster. The two men chasing him stopped at the edge of the water, and exchanged glances.


Marya stared at the dog for a while. It was running into the water. Of course. She walked over to Animal Control and tapped the men on the shoulders, "Excuse me, that's my dog."


"Your dog?" One man replied, gesturing to the water. "Can you call it back?"

"We won't take it if you can prove ownership," the other man clarified.


"Yes! Charlie! He turned back you see!" Marya grinned, "He must be so scared out there." she was getting nervous now, I hope I correctly identified the dog's gender identity. "Charlie come back!"


"Yes, good boy!" Marya felt a rush of excitement and she stepped a bit closer to the water to see the dog. "We can go home Charlie!"


Gabriel approached her, keeping his tail between his legs and shivering from the chill of being soaked. He kept his broad canine head down, but curious. who is this?

The two men watched silently.


Marya kept one hand out and crouched to be on the dog's level. "Charlie, you shouldn't run away like that." she turned away and started walking, "C'mon Charlie, come!"


Marya stared at the animal. "We have to get you back to your real owners. Until then, you can crash with me. I'm Marya, by the way." she scratched the dog behind his ears. "I guessed right that you're a boy."


Marya. he echoed in his head, I'd appreciate it if I could get to your place as soon as possible so I can stop being a wolf. Though, he knew it was pointless to exchange this silent dialogue. She couldn't hear nor understand him, nor did she know he was a man at all.