forum Not a friendly Start that Becomes a Little too Friendly (Abandoned) (X/1) (MxM)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas laughs softly, "Well. I not one to beat around the bush, so. . . I feel like that because I told you you were right and you said nothing. Well, nothing really mattering to the concept , anyways. I thought I made you uncomfortable."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas pauses, "I. . ." He leans back, running his fingers through his hair, "That you felt the same? That, yes Lucas, I want to have sex with you?" He sighs softly

@False-andrew flash_on

"You can be my toy before you're my snack." he chuckles.

The server comes back right as Tristan says then and an audibly choked back laugh comes from him as he sets down the food and drinks before walking away.