forum Not a friendly Start that Becomes a Little too Friendly (Abandoned) (X/1) (MxM)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@False-andrew flash_on

Tristan smiles softly. "Thank you."

He didn't mention that despite how good his hearing was, he still didn't know where anything was, making it impossible for him to tell the difference between most loud places.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas hums softly, moving into a pub and relaxing, though he was british, he knew good pubs when he saw them. His mother's boyfriend of a few years was Irash, and Luc had learned to appreciate a god pub when he saw them.

He moves to a smaller table, sitting down.

@False-andrew flash_on

Tristan sits down across from Luc, listening to the raucous laughter and bawdy jokes with a broad smile on his face.

"I think I may have found a new favorite place."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Luv smules, "I may be british, but my mom has an Irish boyfriend. He taught me what a good pub looks like." He leans back, waving down a server, "I'll just take a beer." He looks at Tristan, waiting for him to order.

@False-andrew flash_on

"I'll take a two shots of whiskey and tequila, each." he orders, before "looking" at Lucas.

"I only know what American bars are like, and they're shitholes most of the time. I've always wanted to visit Ireland or somewhere, for the booze and for college. Both of which I'm doing right now." he chuckles.

@False-andrew flash_on

Tristan downs two of his shots from his glasses with practiced ease, chuckling.

"So. What is your drink of choice?" he asks Lucas, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand.