forum Not a friendly Start that Becomes a Little too Friendly (Abandoned) (X/1) (MxM)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@False-andrew flash_on

"It's to allow me to drink more in the long run. The Russians have this down to a science: a couple drinks, then eat some food. It also helps with the hangover." he grins.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas nods, "I know that, I'm just saying add a little salty food in there. Like peanuts or somthing. It makes you more thirsty." He shrugs, "That's what the Irish guy said anyways, a dribk, a nice burger with over salted fries and more drink." He laughs softly

@False-andrew flash_on

"Oh, anything ranging from flirting to a bar fight to sex." he teases. "The usual drunk shenanigans. There may also be a special appearance from Dancer Tristan, but I doubt it."

@False-andrew flash_on

"Oh, you'll know. Sober me is much more restrained in his movements since he knows how strong he is. Drunk me. . . tends to be more fluid. Both have exceptional balance, though." he explains with a smile.

@False-andrew flash_on

Tristan hums for a bit before waving down another server, ordering a fourth of whiskey, a burger, some fries, a plate of salami and some cheese. He looks over at Lucas.

"You need anything?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas stays silent, looking at him. Lucas silence was answer enough, and Luc knowing any word out of his mouth would never be a lie and to chicken to say yes, just sat there.