forum Not a friendly Start that Becomes a Little too Friendly (Abandoned) (X/1) (MxM)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas let's put a sigh, "You're crazy." He laughs, "But please, no. I don't feel like walking all the way back to the dorm himself and then passing out on my bed."

@False-andrew flash_on

"Yay!" Tristan laughs, going back and finishing his drink, considering the glass carefully.

He smirks, making sure to tread on someone's foot as he passes them, as he pretends to go to the bathroom.

The man gets pissed and stands up, throwing a punch at Tristan, which he dodges with ease. The punch hits someone else at another table, which then causes those to to knock over a table full of drinks, and soon enough Tristan was in the middle of a full-scale tavern brawl.

He laughs delightedly, smashing his glass over someone's head, punching another dude so hard he literally hits the wall, before a group of 15 dudes gangs up on him.

Despite Tristan's blindness he anticipated every single punch and blow they tried to rain down on him; in return he targets groins, faces and necks, tossing people around like ragdolls.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas stays in the corner watching and just moving away from any people that get to close. Lucas didn't want to- He buffs when someone comes hurtling at him and he side steps, letting them run into a walk and looking back at Tristan a moment before getting wrapped up in dodging people, muttering to himself. He wasn't in the mood to hit someone or something today. He knew he was mean I'm a fight tjough, and if anyone touched him, he's fight them like he was fighting for the last scraps of food

@False-andrew flash_on


Tristan continues to ragdoll people like a Skyrim player getting launched into the sky by their first Giant encounter.

It was honestly funny, once you got past the fact that tomorrow half of these dudes would still be unconscious.

@False-andrew flash_on


Tristan chuckles, spinning and knocking the last few assailants into next year before nodding.

"Alright." he says, making sure to avoid stepping on any body parts.

He grabs his shirt - he'd pulled it off sometime during the battle - and uses it to wipe the few drops of sweat from his forehead.

@False-andrew flash_on

"Yep!" Tristan says cheerfully, popping open his bottle of liquor and taking a long drink from it.

He shudders, looking at the label, noting the proof - 93% - and the proof only, before shrugging.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas shake his head, “Never mind.” He sighs, “You go ahead and get smashed.” He laughs softly and walks towards the dorms, “I’m going back and going to try and get some sleep.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas pauses, looking at him, silent for a moment, looks back towards the dorm and then back at Tristan and smiles, “Hmm. . . Would it be worth it?” He asks, smirking slightly.