forum Looking for someone who’s pretty active
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, and yells "I want team 18, 21, and 23 to go to the smaller towns! I also want you to bring with you 5 horses with wagons in case you need to evacuate the people!" He says sternly in a commanding voice. "Start getting ready now!"

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray looks at Cass "Sorry Prince, just wanting to get the job done." He says looking at the map too. "What are you thinking?" He asked worried. "Is something the matter, Prince?" He asks softly.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass sighs, turning to him, “I am worried about my father. He wants to attack here.” He points somewhere on the map. Where Alekrin is gathering. We’ll need some people there as well, but I don’t want to attack. . . He may get pissed that I’m defying his wishes.”

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray looks at the Prince solemnly, "You do what you think is best… Even if the King say otherwise, I'll stand by your side. I don't want innocent people to get hurt… I can place soldiers there, but they would need to fight if the King say so. Or I can not send any, and hope for the best…" He says, his voice trailing off.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods "I'll come with, I can't let you go alone. Especially when a war is going on." He says sternly. "I need team 12 to come with me and the Prince!" He said looking at a group of soldiers. "We are ready whenever you are, Prince." He said looking at Cass.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass sighs, walking out of the room, rubbing his forehead. He slides his hands into his pockets, quiet.

(Do you mind playing the king? He’s more of a hothead and easy to anger. He also thinks everyone should do what he wants, because he’s king-)

@ReskaAkuma group

(Yes I can)
Ray follows behind Cass, looking around as he followed. Not saying anything.
(I have to go for the day, I need to go to work. Sorry for cutting it short, I'll be back on tomorrow)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass walks to his father’s study (or whatever) knocking softly on the door. Signing his death warrant to be sure, ignoring his father’s wishes.

@ReskaAkuma group

The King interrupts Cass, "Aren't you supposed to be in the war room planning an attack!?" He says his anger rising. "You need to go and get that ready!" He says coldly, looking at Cass in a dark manner.

@ReskaAkuma group

The King gives Cass a look of disgust, "What do you mean your not attacking?" He says his anger now in high mode. "I am the King, you are only the Prince. You do as I say, not what you think is best!" He look at Cass, not looking away. He then looks at the door. "Gaurds!" He says before Cass can do or say anything more. "Take the Prince to his room, so he can think about what he has done!"

@ReskaAkuma group

The King glares at him, "So? I do what I think is best! Not what I think is right!" He spat. He get up from his chair and walks over to Cass, shooing the guards away from him. "I am King, I am the absolute order! You do as I say!" He said his anger now controlling him.

@RhysTheFirebird group

“What is best?! Joining this war is not what is best. Your pride was hurt, father, but that does not mean war.” Cass replied calmly, looking his father in the eye, “War is not what is best for our kingdom. Our resources are already stretched thin. We don’t have the men to spare for war.”

@ReskaAkuma group

He glares at Cass, "I don't want to see you for the rest of the day. Get out!" He yells turning away as he goes back to his seat. Not saying anything more.

@ReskaAkuma group

He waits for Cass to get out, not saying anything more. Ray was walking around making sure everything was getting ready, and planned accordingly. He sees Cass and says "Prince are you ok?" He asked a little bit worried, because he knows the king is ruthless at times. He's seen it first hand.