forum Looking for someone who’s pretty active
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@ReskaAkuma group

Ray starts to get everyone up to help out the townsfolk. He thinks to himself "I hope the Prince is ok… He has had a lot of stress on him lately" He thinks to himself, as he walks up on a hill looking at the sunrise.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray sighs, as he sees Cass running off into the distance. He walk to his second in command and tells him to keep everything in order. He then gets on his horse and starts riding his horse after Cass.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray looks at Cass, "I can't let you go alone somewhere where I don't know what can happen to you. It is my job to protect you, Prince." He say sternly but calmly, looking at Cass.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray scoffs, "You say that confidently now, but when something happens and I'm not here. You can get hurt, captured, held for ransom, killed, the list goes on Prince." He say not looking away from Cass. "I'm only here to protect you."

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray sighs, following Cass. "Please, Prince, I'm only here to protect you, I just don't want you to get hurt!" He says as he follows behind Cass.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray hesitates then nods, "Yes, Prince… I'll head back to the village." He says as he turns his horse to head back to the village.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass is gone for a few hours, coming back looking exhausted. It was midday and he was hungry. He dismounted, yawning and rubbing his face, moving forward towards his tent.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass moves into his own tent, yawning again and then walking back out after changing into cleaner clothes. He walked over to Ray, “Is there any food?”

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray jolts up seeing Cass has returned. He relaxes as he saw it was Cass. Ray nods towards his tent, "I just put some cooked food on you cot."

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, as he continues looking at the sky. "Something is about to happen soon… something not so good." He says almost a whisper to himself.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray looks at Cass, "Are we going to head tonight, or tomorrow morning? I'm my opinion we should head tonight, because we need to prepare for what is about to happen…" He says not looking away.

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray nods, "I'll get everyone ready and prepared to get back." He says as he starts to tell everyone they are leaving today. After a half an hour, everything was ready to go back to the Kingdom.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cass sits on his horse, quiet. He looks at Ray and then the rest of the group. He sighs, “Father’s not going to be pleased about the lack of conflict, you know.”

@ReskaAkuma group

Ray sighs and nods, "I know, but he'll just have to deal with it. There is no need for violence because his pride was hurt…" He say looking at Cass. "We should start heading now, Prince" He says as he starts to head back to the kingdom.