"Hey, it's not your fault. It doesn't matter who your parents are. . . it doesn't control you." Oliver said, speaking up over the noise of the crowd. He had already known this firsthand. He had never known his mother or father and it had never affected him.
"Ok… ok, thanks but parties here end differently" Maddie informed Althea. She took a deep breath, and reached back in to the hat pulling out another bottle that seemed to be filled with rolling fog. "We send them all home." She paused and cleared her throat, "Thanks you everyone for attending, but it looks like this party is over." She through the battle to the ground it shattered and fog rolled out and filled the room, for all the guests, everything went white.
Altheia suddenly found herself on a field surrounded by nothing but nature. she quickly looked to see if anyone was watching and uttered a spell "Revelant retueres" and her mothers Earth house appeared before her.
( gtg, but I'll be on tomorrow )
//So has everyone returned home?
(that smoke transported us near our homes)
(now the new chapter begins)
(whoever is on reply
we need at least 7 people to be able to continue)
(two more and we can continue)
//gonna be honest man, this may be the only time so many of us are on
(Good thing we’re on summer vacay and it’s the weekend. :p)
(i'm on, not for long tho)
(Only one short thats not bad)